Which law would a court most likely use strict scrutiny to examine? Copyright 1999 - 2023 GradeSaver LLC. Which instance of political expression would be considered symbolic speech? What was the effect of supreme Court decision described in this headline? What is True of Federalist Apex? - Answers Which of the following is not an available option for registering to vote? They were more concerned with protecting individual liberty than with making the government run efficiently OC. A group of immigrant farmworkers forms an interest group to argue for workers rights in their state. Allowed to participate: all registered voters, regardless of party membership, Advantages: do not involve extensive meetings or debates, encourage voter participation. Speaker 3: I have recently retired from the military. Which monetary policy strategy of the Federal Reserve do these headlines reflect? It was subtitled as follows: "The Structure of the Government Must Furnish the Proper Checks and Balances Between the Different Departments." Soldiers and Liberty: The Debate Over Standing Armies and Militias in Early America, Read the Study Guide for The Federalist Papers, A Close Reading of James Madison's The Federalist No. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. During the majority of the essay, (after outlining problems of the United States), he does not attack the Articles of Confederation specifically; instead, he generally laments the basic problems with a particular type of system of government that contains multiple sovereigns, and then, only at the end of the paper, states that the problems are not based on the Articles of Confederation, but any form of government that has this philosophical basis. Federalist No. Which aspect of the us congress most reflects the constitutional value of republicanism? 8.4 (C) answer choices They did not want a judicial system based upon that of Great Britain. Which of the following people would not be considered a noncitizen in the United States? What Does The Excerpt Suggest About Federalists Which pair of numbered sentences best completes the diagram showing part of the legislative process in the senate? All in all, Hamilton believes that this is an extremely weak argument. A teen who publishes a website making fun of a movie actor is sued by the actors lawyers ? Why might a citizen participate in canvassing activities? Which scenario would most likely result in the president using an executive order to enact a new policy? Why Did James Madison Fear Factions? - Reference.com An interest group concerned with pollution finds that contamination in certain parts of a local creek are abnormally high. He attacks the supporters of the Articles of Confederation, claiming that though they admit that the government is destitute of energy, they stand against "conferring upon it those powers which are requisite to supply that energy," wanting instead, something that is impossible, the augmentation of federal powers without decreasing the powers of the states. Which form on municipal government best completes the title of the chart? What is one difference between closed and open primary elections? 24The public good is safer in a large republic than in a small one. Which statement best completes this diagram? How did the 14th Amendment affect citizenship in the United States? How does judicial review affect the US government? What does Hamilton mean when he states, Considerate men, of every description, ought to prize whatever will tend to beget or fortify that temper in the courts: as no man can be sure that he may not be to-morrow the victim of a spirit of injustice, by whi. 1 (Alexander Hamilton) Section I: General Introduction: Federalist No. What tactic did many african american and asian american activists use to advocate for equal rights during the civil rights movements? A woman accused of a crime is testifying in court. Let us examine the points in which it varies from pure democracy, and we shall comprehend both the nature of the cure and the efficacy which it must derive from the union.21, The two great points of difference, between a democracy and a republic, are, first, the delegation of the government, in the latter, to a small number of citizens elected by the rest; secondly, the greater number of citizens, and greater sphere of country, over which the latter may be extended.22, The effect of the first difference is, on the one hand, to refine and enlarge the public views, by passing them through the medium of a chosen body of citizens, whose wisdom may best discern the true interest of their country, and whose patriotism and love of justice, will be least likely to sacrifice it to temporary or partial considerations. Its all pretty informal. What system for selecting party nominees does the passage describe? Question 5. The Brutus essays provide the most direct and compelling rebuttal of the Federalist argument. In my state, any voter can participate. Direct link to michaelkibbe73's post The Federalist. Which quote most clearly reflects pressure from superiors as a motivation for bias in the media? Which statement best describes the role of the speaker of the house of representatives? Which law would a court most likely use rational basis review to examine? The us constitution establishes six-year terms for members of the senate in order to: The us constitution establishes two-year terms for members of the house of representatives in order to: The bicameral nature of the us federal legislature is responsible for: Which statement best describes the role of the majority leaders in congress? Which sentence best describes how the relationship between municipal power and state power has changed over time? What is one role of Congress in determining the federal budget? Federalist No. What is the next step in the legislative v process after a bill is sponsored and introduced to the House of Representatives? "The Federalist Papers Essay 84 Summary and Analysis". What other types of limited governments would have worked for America? Which statement reflects a citizens need to increase his or her civic participation? Which statement about political action committees (PACs) is true? They convincingly argued that a strong government would grow the economy, garnering support from both bosses, local leaders, and, as a result, their employees. Soldiers and Liberty: The Debate Over Standing Armies and Militias in Early America, Read the Study Guide for The Federalist Papers, A Close Reading of James Madison's The Federalist No. Environmental Group Faced with SLAPP Suit; Cancels Protest. Which activity is not one of the primary ways political parties shape public policy? The Federalist, commonly referred to as the Federalist Papers, is a series of 85 essays written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison between October 1787 and May 1788. ?, What process do the events in this timeline reflect? The Federalist Party originated in opposition to the Democratic-Republican Party in America during President George Washington's first administration. O A. What is true of voter turnout in the United States? To follow the plan outlined in the Articles of Confederation. on. How do the presidential roles of chief executive and commander in chief differ? how long did it take for the people of America to agree to the Papers?? The anti-Federalists were chiefly concerned with too much power invested in the national government at the expense of states. How did the supreme court reinterpret civil liberties in gideon v wainwright? What arguement best responds to citizens who do not vote because they feel that their votes do not make a difference? The chart best supports the conclusion that the first government of the United States needed to. Throughout the year, supreme court justices review cases that have been appealed to the court, Which statement best summarizes the inaccuracy contained in this description of the supreme courts decision-making process? Download The Concept Of Instability And The Theory Of Democracy In The C. decreasing prices leads to a change in demand. The question resulting is, whether small or extensive republics are most favorable to the election of proper guardians of the public weal; and it is clearly decided in favor of the latter by two obvious considerations.23. Which action can congress not perform, according to the constitution? Excerpted from Warren Harding's inaugural address, 1921 This is - the only Harding inaugural of the 1920s. Which statement most likely be made by an opponent of affirmative action? Congress forms a conference committee in order to: Which statement best describes the role of conference committees in the federal legislative process? Wright Mills (1916-1962) Features of the us congress: feature: members are selected in statewide elections ? What is the most likely outcome of these events? Madison. (C)The President vetoes a proposed federal budget.Congress votes to increase the number of federal court judges. Those who are creditors, and those who are debtors, fall under a like discrimination. 2A common problem of government is that decisions are made based on the selfish will of a majority rather than based on justice and the public good. Which development resulted from the Supreme Courts Citizens United v. FEC ruling in 2010? 28Just as a republic is better than a democracy in controlling the mischiefs of factions, a large republic is better than a small one. Which statement best completes the diagram? Which statement best describes the effects of the initiative, the referendum, and the recall? The bill of rights is added to the constitution, preventing the federal government from violating citizens fundamental rights = ? To render this work more complete, will be added, without any additional expence, Philo-Publius, and the Articles of the Convention, as agreed upon at Philadelphia, September 17, 1787. The essays urged the ratification of the United States Constitution, which had been debated and drafted at the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia in 1787. Which viewpoint did federalists support during the debates over the ratification of the constitution? Which situation is an example of a citizen participating in the political process? The Constitution proposes the federal judges hold their office for life, subject to good behavior. Former US senator Rosa Marcus, the Democratic candidate, receives 5 more electoral votes than Torres just enough for her to reach a total of 270 electoral votes. According to the rules of the Electoral College, Marcus will win the election. On what issue did federalists and anti-federalists disagree most strongly? Which organization best completes the diagram showing the structure of the legislative branch of the us government? Evaluate Madisons claims from our perspective today, have his assurances been realized use examples to support your answer. What role did congress play in expanding rights for marginalized americans during the 20th century? A lobbyist wants a senator to change her vote on a bill supported by the lobbyists employer. A first important consideration was the manner of appointing federal judges, and the length of their tenure in office. To declare state laws unconstitutional. Why is the process for amending the constitution so complicated? ". 1920: Women gain right to vote; 1971: The National Womens Political Caucus is founded to support women political leaders; 2015: Five out of 50 states have female governors. By enlarging too much the number of electors, you render the representative too little acquainted with all their local circumstances and lesser interests; as by reducing it too much, you render him unduly attached to these, and too little fit to comprehend and pursue great and national objects.25 The federal constitution forms a happy combination in this respect; the great and aggregate interests, being referred to the national, the local and particular to the state legislatures.26, The other point of difference is, the greater number of citizens, and extent of territory, which may be brought within the compass of republican, than of democratic government; and it is this circumstance principally which renders factious combinations less to be dreaded in the former, than in the latter. What is the purpose of checks and balances in the Constitution? I think this has to do with wise men shaping laws so that the courts deal in justice rather than injustice. This means that: Powers are shared between state and federal govts. I dont think theres any real difference between the major parties, since they both support the capitalist system. In response, the Texas state legislature passed a bill in 2015 declaring that only the state government could regulate the oil and gas industry in any major way. How else could the state have attempted to ensure that fracking continued? How do the major political parties in the US get citizens more interested in the political process? The Federalist Papers (article) | Khan Academy representativeWhy did the framers of the Const. In the extent and proper structure of the union, therefore, we behold a republican remedy for the diseases most incident to republican government. Which quotation from the federalist papers is most clearly a response to the anti-fed argument that politicians within a strong federal government might try to take over the country? The Democratic Party in Bolsa County is working hard to get a local candidate elected to the state legislature. Which scenario is not an example of one of the major ways media coverage shapes public opinion? 7Remedy 2: It would be both impossible and unwise to try to give everyone the same opinions. What does the excerpt suggest about federalists? GradeSaver, 30 December 2011 Web. The leaders of the Bolsa County Democrats plan her campaign and raise money on her behalf, while local citizens go door to door to explain her policies to their neighbors. A Collect, Posted 4 years ago. Which type of legislation has the member of congress introduced? Speaker 4: I support a third-party candidate in my local election. Administrators at a high school are concerned that there may be drugs on campus. 3Some of the problems that we blame on the operation of governments are really caused by conflicts among factions and by the tyranny of the majority. What Important Federalist Is Expressed In This Excerpt From The Federalist Papers? consists of advisers who do not need to be approved by congress provides support for the president and white house staff was created by Franklin D. Roosevelt, What is the best title for this bulleted list? Which change is most likely to have affected how the supreme court has ruled on equal protection over time? A news website decides it will not cover a candidates charitable work, instead reporting on his recent votes to cut funding for education. What is the most direct method of political participation? What role do appellate courts play in the federal judicial system? Identify one way in which the case is legally significant. It did not happen all at once, but instead, gradually, progressing to the point that things have become a "stand-all," with everyone "yielding to the persuasive voice of immediate interest and convenience, till the frail and tottering edifice seems ready to fall upon our heads and to crush us beneath its ruins.". Speaker 3: Its important that the Constitution include a bill of rights. A countrys government is controlled by a powerful legislative branch. One of the most famous of the Federalist Papers, No. Fifth, the Constitution guarantees the right to trial by jury in all criminal cases and sixth, treason is very carefully defined in the Constitution. The use of which foreign policy tool is described in the passage? Which action is an example of public policy? How could one of the major organizations within the federal government most effectively prevent the presidents nominee from serving as a federal judge? The United States is a member of the ____ to work with other nations to promote free trade. he believed that the victorious nations . In a country that follows the rule of law: Which quotation from the federalist papers is most clearly a response to the anti-fed argument that the constitution gives too much power to the federal government and not enough to the states? 4Publius (in this case, Madison) defines a faction as a group of citizens who are united by some common goal that is opposed to the rights of others or to the common good. Evaluate Madisons claims from our perspective today, have his assurances been realized use examples to support your answer. How did the 26 amendment address concerns about age discrimination? GradeSaver, 30 December 2011 Web. 20In a pure democracy there is no check on a majority taking advantage of those who hold minority opinions. Under a system of dual federalism, conflicts between state laws and federal laws are: How is the president able to limit, or check, the power of the legislative branch? How do independent regulatory agencies influence the us government? The billionaire heir to the Hyatt Hotels fortune may be seen by some Democrats as the "in case of emergency break . What is the next step in the legislative process after a committee has reported a measure to the senate? How do the presidential roles of chief of state and commander in chief differ? 1914: ww1 begins 1917: charles schenck distributes pamphlets encouraging us men to resist serving in the military 1919: the supreme court rules that schencks action is not protected because it poses a clear and present danger to safety. A voter who is not registered as a Republican: What type of activity does this passage describe? A meeting of many sovereign powers, then, like the Articles of Confederation, creates problems because a love of power means that people fail to compromise. However, I dont think it can achieve any of its goals in the face of Republican opposition. Which of these rights is protected by the first amendment? Which legislation was responsible for granting voting rights for African Americans? The Reconstruction Amendments were passed to: What is one possible reason the Supreme Courts interpretation of equal protection has changed over time? Why were the Selma to Montgomery marches significant to the civil rights movement?