Trane ComfortLink II XL1050 Zoning Control with built-in Nexia Bridge combines zoning technology and a home automation hub to remotely control your home, comfort, and energy use. border-radius: 1.5rem; The ComfortLink II XL1050 Zoning Control with built-in Remote Climate Access combines zoning technology and a home automation hub to remotely control your home, comfort, and energy use. All trademarks referenced are the trademarks of their respective owners. Every ComfortLink II Control comes with remote "climate access", allowing you to monitor and control your zoning system through any web-enabled device. Wellsphere from Trane is a holistic approach to building wellness. Trane Certified and Compatible Products - Trane Home Trane OEM Remote Indoor Sensor for The ComfortLink - SEN01337 / ZZSENSAL0400AA, Works with the ComfortLink & AccuLink Systems. (Professional Installation is Recommended). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Trane TZON1050AC52ZA ComfortLink II XL1050 Wirelles Smart Control at the best online prices at eBay! Wired temperature sensors are the suitable alternative for locations that cannot accommodate wireless sensors or that require a service tool connection. border-radius: 1.5rem; Comfort Controls - Dr. Ductless Heating & Cooling Need Help Identifying the Correct ComponentContact AirstarSupply! 5 PM ET. The Trane ConfortLink II XL1050 works with sensors to monitor and optimize humidity and temperature at the desired locations in your home. Replied on Jun 14, 2022 by Adam from Industrial Stores. CAPrivacyRights| Trane - Thermostat Sensors - Ferguson jQuery(function(){var a=null;setInterval(function(){jQuery(".YTPOverlay").show().each(function(){var b=jQuery(this);jQuery("[class*=ytp_wm_]",b).remove();a="ytp_wm_"+Math.floor(1E5*Math.random());var c=jQuery("").attr("src",""); Please contact us if you would like us to install the item or need a referral to one of our affiliate technicians. Full content visible, double tap to read brief content. Versonel Outdoor Motion Sensor Tracking LED Floodlight Security Light (White) Night Orbit 83521 Clear Comfort Programmable Thermostat with Large, Easy-to-Read Display Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. display: none; Duralight Furnace Hot Surface Ignitor Direct Replacement For Trane American Standard IGN00034 and IGN00054, SEN01114 Flame Sensor Replacement for Trane/American Standard Furnace Flame Sensor Rod Stainless Steel SEN337, SEN0337, SEN441, SEN0441, SEN491, SEN00491, SEN1114, PSE-T19, B340888-2. The TZONE940 is a wired communicating thermostat/sensor with a display for use with ComfortLink II XL824, XL950, and XL1050 control units to adjust temperatures in a zone. Wired and wireless building communications each have their benefits and can be used together throughout your building or project. Discover how you can troubleshoot your HVAC system. VAPrivacyRights| Please try again later. . p.parentNode.insertBefore(a,p); (502)968-6222, DFH Company 2023 All rights reserved. 'jetpack-lazy-images-js-enabled' Sitemap. Trane ComfortLink II XL850 Wi-Fi Thermostat - Forums Trane relative humidity and temperature sensors utilize a polymer capacitive-sensing element for reliable sensing accuracy and superb recovery from saturation. Tranes ComfortLink II Zoning system lets you set a schedule based on your homes unique temperature patterns and control it all from wherever life takes you with the exclusive Nexia system. Both sensors are housed in a common enclosure for reduced installation costs and improved appearance. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! In the 1050 installation manual, in page 16, there is an answer "If a . Trane BAYSEN01ATEMPA is a wired outdoor temperature sensor that allows Trane thermostats to sense temperature remotely instead of at the unit. A zone sensor provides feedback to the control system on elements of the room that affect comfort, such as temperature and humidity, or safety, such as CO2. check out the. ComfortLink II XL1050. The app will return to the thermostat control screen and report which sensors RoomIQ is actively using. document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); RESTRICTED ITEM: This item is only available to qualified HVAC installers. All trademarks referenced are the trademarks of their respective owners. Adding smart home accessories to your Nexia system requires a monthly subscription, internet service, and a connection to Nexia.,, Select a Store for Accurate Local Pricing, How To Improve Water Heater Efficiency With A Tank Booster, Best Pull-Down Kitchen Faucets That Won't Break The Bank, Drinking Fountains & Bottle Filling Stations, How to Grow Your HVAC Business With Smart Home Installation Services, Tips to Prepare Contractors for Cold Weather, Guide to MaP Toilet Testing for Low Flow Toilets, Benefits of Claiming Your Business on Google, 5 Common Trenching & Excavation Safety Hazards, 4 Tips to Minimize the Dangers of Dust Inhalation, 24/7 Commercial Water Heater Express Response, Trane Comfort Controls Outdoor Remote Temperature Sensor, Trane ComfortLink 1-27/50 in. All American Standard / Trane OEM parts are intended for use with the American Standard / Trane models only. Avoid Trane Systems. Trane combination sensors use a polymer capacitive sensing element, which provides superior performance and longevity. Shop for Trane in Thermostat Sensors at Ferguson. Selected sensors are displayed in gray, while unselected sensors are displayed in white. *Requires internet service and connection to Nexia. All times are GMT-7. : How to make a Trane Wireless Sensor the Primary Thermostat 1,693 views Mar 1, 2021 19 Dislike Share Joe Tollari 1.07K subscribers The fireplace in the living room is not allowing the thermostat. Trane TZON1050AC52ZA ComfortLink II XL1050 Wirelles Smart Control $299.95. CAPrivacyRights| This page was generated at 05:20 PM. 2023 Trane. . text-decoration: none; Trane Comfortlink II Wireless Smart Control XL1050 . . It looks like WhatsApp is not installed on your phone. Connect with our Customer Care team about your products, warranties, and dealer concerns. Trane ComfortLink II XL1050 Zoning System - RFWEL Wireless Forums Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations. It features a zone sensor with a black and white display, a backlit touchscreen, a real-time clock, and displays indoor temperature and relative humidity. The XL1050 thermostat has the optional remote sensor (thermometer). Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. Undo, All Filters Removed How to make a Trane Wireless Sensor the Primary Thermostat It also conforms to the IEEE 802.15.4 standard, which ensures that your wireless BAS Communication system will reliably coexist with other wireless systems, including Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Ferguson Enterprises, LLC. height: auto !important; margin-right: 2rem; You can choose to turn sensors on or off at your desire to maximize your comfort. Manufacturer warranty runs for 1 year from delivery date. Temperature sensors feature a full-line offering that provides flexibility for building occupants to choose various temperature and operating mode set points to meet their comfort levels. The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) sensor connects to a Tracer building management system and the appropriate ventilation equipment. Remote Indoor Sensor for ComfortLink II XL 950 Thermostats, Trane Comfort Controls Night Setback Sensor for Model YSC072-120/YHC048-060 Packaged Air Conditioner, Trane Digital Display Gas/Electric Zone Sensor in White, Trane DU Temperature REM Zone Room Sensor, Trane Wall Zone Sensor for Trane BAYSENS036A Combination Zone Sensor, Trane Sensor Wall Mount for Trane VAV and VariTrac Controllers, Trane Zoning Sensor for Trane VariTrac Central Control Panel, Trane Digital Display Zone Sensor in White, Trane Dual Setpoint Manual/Auto Zone Sensor in White, Trane Comfort Controls Single Setpoint Wired Zone Sensor for Voyager Commercial Air Conditioners, Trane Comfort Controls Polycarbonate Single Setpoint Automatic Fan Wired Zone Sensor, Trane Clogged Filter Switch for Trane Voyager YS 150-300 and YH 150-300 Rooftop Air Conditioners, DoNotSellorShareMyPersonalInformation. margin-right: 0; NOTE: the examples included here are not intended to be a comprehensive list of automations or uses. We get questions all the time asking which products will work with Trane Home, how Trane Certified products differ from Compatible devices, and if any available Z-Wave products sold by other retailers will work with Trane Home. Sitemap Remote Indoor Sensor for ComfortLink II XL 950 Thermostats. Pricing varies by location and dealer in addition to several other factors. All trademarks referenced are the trademarks of their respective owners. Our zone sensors and thermostats provide accurate and reliable sensing that is critical to keeping your HVAC systems running at optimum levels. Trane XL1050 Thermostat We have a new Trane system -- furnace, coils, AC, thermostat. Choose the sensors you want to use. : All trademarks referenced are the trademarks of their respective owners. Trane Remote Indoor Temp Sensor # ZSENS930 1 offer from $104.95 32 1 offer from $48.19 3 offers from $58.40 $104.95 Product details Item Weight : 1 Pounds Item model number : ZZSENSAL0400AA_v2 Date First Available : September 20, 2019 Manufacturer : Trane OEM ASIN : B07Y5HB7XC Copyright Rfwel Engr support handles warranty repairs/replacements for this item. There are 0 customer reviews and 1 customer rating. */ , SENSOR; REMOTE INDOOR TEMPERATURE (ZZSENSAL0400AA), Previous page of related Sponsored Products. .sub_menu .menu-item:nth-child(3) a{ Finally would be nice if there was a wireless sensor so we don't need to do any wiring although that's not an absolute requirement. Every ComfortLink II Control comes with remote climate access, allowing you to monitor and control your zoning system through any web-enabled device. All times are GMT-7. .lg-logo-section .content .entry-content-wrapper .lg-bbb-logo img { margin-right: 2rem; padding: 0.8rem; | You can also use RoomIQ in your Automations to change your primary sensor for comfort under different conditions. Manufacturer Part Number: PAC-USSEN002-FM-1 Mitsubishi Electric PAC-USSEN002-FM-1 Flush Mount Remote temperature sensor allows for remote sensing of space temperature up to 100 feet away from a Rfwel Wireless Infrastructure. text-decoration: none; Trane Thermostats and Controls - Ranger Heating 5 PM ET. font-size: 1.6rem; X . Different areas or zones in your home are monitored by a sensor . Replaces / Supersedes: SEN-1337 , SEN1337 , SEN01337 , ZZSENSAL0400AA , D941786P01 and others. The Trane CO2 sensor measures and records carbon dioxide in parts per million (ppm) in occupied building spaces. Trane combination sensors use a polymer capacitive sensing element, which provides superior performance and longevity. check out the. We are sorry. color: white !important; Contact Us with your unit's Model and Serial Number and we can help you find the part you need. It allows you to see data from all of your sensors in one convenient location and offers additional functionality designed to maximize your level of control and comfort in your home. Ferguson Enterprises, LLC. NOTE: The first time you load RoomIQ, you will be presented with a sequence of introductory screens. /* Link */ Free shipping for many products! Trane BAYSEN01ATEMPA Remote Outdoor Temperature Sensor Amazon has encountered an error. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! Manufacturer Part Number: TZONE940. Undo, Model YSC072-120/YHC048-060 Packaged Air Conditioner, Trane BAYSENS036A Combination Zone Sensor, Voyager YS 150-300 and YH 150-300 Rooftop Air Conditioners, 1 - 18 of 18 results for "Thermostat Sensors", Something went wrong with our inventory service. **Nexia Remote Climate Access is included with the purchase of a connected control. You were able to get me better equipment, a better warranty, and a better price without haggling. Power and energy meters provide metering with a built-in integrator and power supply that delivers a cost-effective, easily installed solutions for power monitoring applications. Terms of Site Use| Trane XL1050 Thermostat - HVAC-Talk: Heating, Air & Refrigeration Engineers Newsletters & Engineers Newsletters Live! Temperature output is provided by a 10 k, Type II thermistor. Trane TZON1040AC52ZA Comfort Link II XL1040 Zone Sensor. No sales office associated with that zip code, please click the link for all locations, Air-Fi Sensor Module Front Facing Environment, Renewable Energy & Distributed Energy Resources, Energy Conservation Measures (energy efficiency), CoolSense Integrated Outdoor Air Systems, Controls Solutions for Light Commercial Contractors, Trane Select Assist (Formerly known as TOPSS), Trane/Mitsubishi VRF Diamond System Builder. Adding and Managing Mobile Devices on Your Account, How to Reboot Your Trane Wireless Thermostat. . } This control is 7-day programmable, with up to four schedules per day and five heat and two cool settings. Looking for Revit files? If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Trane Home Customer Rfwel Engr E-Store. 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Select a location to see product availability, Trane X1351152801 Remote Zone Sensor, 10k. VAPrivacyRights| Please try again. Trane ZZSENSAL0400AA Remote Indoor Sensor - Industrial Stores Customer reviews: TRANE ComfortLink II XL1050 , TZON1050AC52ZA WiFi Temperature Humidity Sensor: Indoor Thermometer Hygrometer with App Alert, Fre SONOFF SNZB-02 ZigBee Mini Indoor Temperature and Humidity Sensor for Checking the ATIE Neverlube Diverter Valve Kit 4720 Replacement for Jandy 2 Port or 3 Port Never SensorPush HT.w Wireless Thermometer/Hygrometer Water-Resistant for iPhone/Android. Homenex Wi-Fi Smart Thermostat with 1 Remote Sensor, Touch Display, C-Wire Required Eiechip 5PCS Waterproof Temperature Probe Thermometer DS18B20 1M with Heat Resistan InSinkErator Garbage Disposal, Evolution Excel, 1.0 HP Continuous Feed. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. } Support via email at a=e.createElement(s); Please use a different way to share. Trane ComfortLink 1-27/50 in. ComfortLink II XL1050 - The Woodlands Heating & Air Conditioning A web-enabled, smart thermostat for light commercial applications. Wired Zone Thermostat / Sensor with 3-Wire Communicating Zone Sensor, 4.5" Backlit Touch Screen , Standard Display and Keypad Lock Enabled, Displays indoor temperature and relative humidity and adjust temperature in zone, Compatible with AccuLink & ComfortLink Zoning Systems (XL824, XL950 and XL1050). Reviewed in the United States on September 22, 2021. ); Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, MSNSwitch Internet Enabled IP Remote Power Switch with Reboot - Control via Smartphone App, Cloud Service, Web Browser, Skype or Hangouts - 2 Independent AC Power Outlets (Model UIS-622b), Throttle Position Sensor TPS, Replaces AP63427, 53031575, 53031575AH - Fits Dodge Ram 2500, 3500 1998-2004 - 5.9L Cummins Engine 98, 99, 01, 00, 02, 03, 04 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor APPS, SEN01114 Furnace Flame Sensor by Seentech Compatible With Trane American Standard Gas Furnace- Repalces: SEN00337,SEN00441,SEN00491,SEN1114,B340888P01, AN-MR18BA AN-MR20 Voice Magic Remote Control for 2018 LG OLED TV B8 C8 E8 W8 Models,Super UHD TV SK8000 SK8070 SK9000 SK9500 Models, UHD 4K TV UK6300 UK6500 UK6570 UK7700 Models, ABS Wheel Speed Sensor Front Left or Right 47910-7S025 ALS621 5S10760 SU12213 Compatible with Nissan Titan 2004 2005 2006 2007 Armada 2007 Infiniti QX56 2007 SEINECA, Learn more how customers reviews work on Amazon.