Process Automation Specialist - Challenge 1 - Blogger Start by adding a field to OpportunityApproval: Checkbox typeIdeally, the sales reps shouldnt be able to check that box and only system administrators like and sales managers should be able to check it. Label = Number of deals The "related to ID: id value of incorrect type" may also mean that there is an incorrect field reference in your process. Stuck on Step 7 Process Automation Superbadge? There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. Formula ==> AND(!ISBLANK( BillingCountry ), LEN(BillingCountry) != 2), validation rule Name ==> State Validation rule for shipping add Thanks for this! Step 2 : Install the managed package. The Country field is allowed to be blank, so youll need to build this into your validation rule. 2) Process builder - Re-read the instructions for the 1st node. Hii, Make sure to inactive other processes in Processes to avoid interference and activate your process builder: Help onSuperbadge Process Automation specialistStep 6? {!myVariable_current.StageName} (Negotiation/Review) Equals Negotiation/Review2. (Different criteria = different nodes. Hi Trailhead Baby,After being stuck in sept 5 for 4 weeks, I found your blog and read your post and replies.I tried to follow your instructions and now I faced a new error message in Step 5.May I send you an email to ask for your help, if possible?Thank you in advance! : Opportunity.Account Type = customer and Opportunity.account id not equal to null, Node 2 Criteria. It was fine with that. It will work. Create queues for your sales teams but thats obvious from the video. Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::MalformedQuery. Could you send a few screenshots of your process to ? The free lemonade offer worked! Give your Salesforce admin these details. Related to ID Field Reference [Opportunity].IdDo you happen to have any idea what I am missing here? Negotiation Stage & Amount > 100 000, automatically submit for approval. {!myVariable_current.AccountId} (0012E00001pUftIQAS) Does not equal null3. Did you look at: is a full walk through of this step. Now it's working :)But I've caught a little problem with the next step - there are no such products in my Playground. Send Welcome Packet Email, when the Opportunity is Closed Won. Required fields are marked *. An unhandled fault has occurred in this flowAn unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Yay! After giving it some considerable thought, I ended up creating a Process (1) to handle the emails to Finance (and the task), then invoking that in another Process (2) that runs based on Opportunity Stages. I have completed my Superbadge,
If you need more help, leave a comment! Testing this uncovered a few issues: it was originally an auto-launched flow (wrong!) However I stuck with the step 5 challenge Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.It seems like I went through all the steps and criteria but still fail. Finally we are ready to verify the challenge !!! "Not sure if issue is with my process built or approval processThank you so much in advance! Do the whole thing again, it will do. Thanks Trailhead Baby! New Opportunity Created for Account Type = Prospect OR Customer, send Email to Finance Team, create Task for Account Owner ONLY for Prospect. Something that helped was saving the report frequently. 2) For the task: The due date formula is missing from your comment. startTest (); Test . Youll be coming back to this object later in the challenge, since, in typical fashion, our stakeholder realises the start date can be at weekends. panda express addiction > alyssa lynch project mc2 > billing specialist superbadge challenge 6. billing specialist superbadge challenge 6 05 Jun. if yes please share immediately. I am getting the exact same error.
Thanks now I'm receiving this error:There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, You need Manager Approval: []When I deactivated the process I got following error messageChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.Here is the snapshot of what I have done. It also removed the approval steps from Process Builder and highlighted with s the prerequisite items to building my process. The error message is this:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing MaterialsThis is what I have in criteria:[Opportunity].Account.Type Equals Picklist Prospect[Opportunity].AccountID Doesn't Equal Global Constant $GlobalConstantNull[Opportunity].Stage Equals Picklist ProspectingIs there something wrong? So, here i'm going to discuss every problem statements / business requirements of Process Automation Specialist superbadge and convert them into a problem solving flow. Opportunity account type, stage name, and the account id does not equal Null?Approval Process-* Is the >$100,000 entry criteria in the approval process (not in process builder)? Executive Report Tips: SolarBot Loyalty Revenue This report is tricky, but I don't want to give away the solution!
Process Automation Specialist - Challenge 6 - Salesforce Developer {!myVariable_current.Amount} (101,000) Greater than or equal 100,000Logic: All conditions must be true (AND)SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL: myRule_6_A1Inputs:objectId = {!myVariable_current.Id} (0062E00001CO0koQAD)comment = nullprocessDefinitionNameOrId = Approval_Process_100K_OpportunityskipEntryCriteria = falseError Occurred: No applicable approval process was found. Unlocking the challenges and steps 1 to 4 were all right but for 24 h I am stuck with the same error: "Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.I have played with trigger criteria and data fields on the action, following various suggestions from this thread, but the error is the same.I focused only on criteria and task fields and I feel that I tried all combinations. How did you solve. It's a tricky formula, but I'll get you started: CASE(MOD([Opportunity].CloseDateThis thread on the developer community should point you in the right direction:, Hello, I keep seeing this error message: A Closed Won Opportunity did not successfully either create an Robot Setup record and if it did, then the Date__c was not 180 date from the Opportunity Close Date.When I set field values for the new robot setup record I have opportunity as a field reference to Opportunity ID and a formula for the Date that is close date plus 180. If you want First Ascent, dont use Check Challenge to test what youve built. Due Date Only Formula TODAY() + 7 2. Process Builder except last step all steps should Evaluate Next Criteria & tnx buddy once again for your solution. Thank you so much!The criteria on the "Negotiation" node were both based on Opportunity Stage Name AND Opportunity Amount. That would be a lot of email! Process automation specialist step 6 flow builder. Thank you again!!!! Hi Trailhead Baby,I am stuck at step five need your assistance , i am getting the below error:Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'. It's saying the Send an email to the finance group process failed. I'm have to send you screen shots of my entire process if necessary. Click the' Select Tests' button. Yikes! If so, there are two things to look at:1) The process will stop after the first node unless you tell it to continue - try clicking the little "stop" square to see what happens :)2) There are 2 types of customers, so the process needs to account for both types . I double checked by approval criteria and my process according to your guidance and hints and was able to figure out what the errors were referencing and figured out how to pass the challenge. Salesforce MPBSalesforce Trail head Super badges Process Automation Specialist Is video mai hum dekhenge ki kese hum Process Automation Specialist ka. This is crucial to earn this badge. ("manager" is the correct approver). It's worth notifying that case 0 means Sunday, not Monday, and the solution may require an additional day to skip weekends. rule named Process Automation Specialist. After selecting edit, scroll down. Step 1 : Create a new Trailhead Playground for the Superbadge and customize the name for easy reference. These are resume worthy for particular reason.. Easy!)). 5, "Friday", Thank you in advance for your help! I am sure that there is something that can be changed! IF Deal is Negotiation[Opportunity].StageName equals Negotatiation/Review[Opportunity].Amount greater than 100 000Submit for Approval ((Opportunity: AmountGREATER OR EQUAL100000) AND (Opportunity: StageEQUALSNegotiation/Review) + Next Automated Approver Determined By Manager of Record Submitter)4. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Not allowed you to change: [Name]. and some of my variables were angry because they had the wrong Input/Output Types. The issue- You should not be able to approve or reject the opportunity. Challenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. The Robot Setup Day of the Week formula does not seem to be working properly. Action for Node 3: ApprovalsChoose the one we created for the opportunity here. Then I changed approver to a manager and I stopped receiving email alerts. Trailhead SuperbadgeSeries: Process Automation Specialist Part 5, Link to Trailhead: An unhandled fault has occurred in this flowAn unhandled fault has occurred while processing the flow. Complete the capstone assessment to earn the Process Automation Specialist Superbadge. Give your Salesforce admin these details. Challenge Not yet complete heres whats wrong: Reconsider this one. I am the Trailhead Baby! Watching videos is easy these days than This one gets a bit trickier because she makes a subtle hint that you need to nest your Processes. I thought of using the 'Product Family' standard picklist field and build the values in it. I guess this trailhead superbadge should also teach a way to avoid this, I mean, only creating a task when the stage is prospecting once, and not everytime it changes to prospecting. Error ID: 1155961392-2800659 (157788690): [], Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 0015f00000Ow7PGAAZ. Im not sure what the error above is or why. 1, "Monday", After the first node, is the process set to "evaluate the next criteria"? It means that wen salesforce tried to check the workability of your approval process, the record that shud have been submitted for approval, ie shud pass the criteria. A recommendation: print the transcripts of the videos from the challenge requirements. Do you want me to take a look at the process?
Tips for Passing the Process Automation Specialist Superbadge Hi! ACADEMIC & STUDENT SERVICES.
process automation specialist superbadge step 1 ; Test . Test Scheduling logic Hi Rangers , Great going !!! Hi Arno,If you would share some details of your process, I'll take a look.
Please contact your system administrator for more information. This error occurred when the flow tried to create records: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION: Assigned To ID: id value of incorrect type: 0010o00002GvZOaAAN. When you are selecting the field:Opportunity is the starting object.Click on the drop down- and scroll down.The items with a ">" next to them will expand to related fields.Scroll down past the ">" options, and you will see the fields directly related to the opportunity object including OpportunityID. Check your Account.Type criteria. Two things:Under - criteria for prospect accounts opportunity created-[Opportunity].StageName equals picklist prospecting(instead of [Opportunity].Stage)Action-Related to ID should relate to the opportunity owner- [Opportunity].Id(instead of Opportunity.AccountId)Passed? Because in my case i have written only Material and not Materials so it throws error. ) Error: Restforce::ErrorCode::MalformedQuery. Hi Trailhead BabyI stucked at Step-5 Automate OpportunitiesWhile Deactivating Process Builderit's getting error Like thisChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: A new Opportunity with a 'Prospecting' stage for a 'Prospect' Account did not successfully create a Task for the Account owner with the Subject 'Send Marketing Materials'.While active Process Builderit's getting error like thisChallenge Not yet complete here's what's wrong: There was an unexpected error in your org which is preventing this assessment check from completing: System.DmlException: Insert failed. create master detail relationship with opportunity. If you check these things and are still having trouble, feel free to email screenshots to me. Try removing the "status" criteria. Hooray.. Please contact your system administrator for more information. It was giving away too much of the challenge. Doesnt matter if the flow actually works. (I doubt 2nd criteria)When it comes to Task itself the only field I can't validate against yours in snapshot is Assigned to and there I have (like above already someone asked and you confirmed):[Opportunity].Account.OwnerID.