He has worked at Grace since 2015 and loves the local church. He enjoys cooking and baking, especially cajun/creole food. Judy has been a teaching since 1988 and joined Grace Community School in 1992 as elementary music teacher, fourth grade teacher, and is currently the fifth grade humanities teacher. Staff River Oak Grace Community Church Kaylee joined Grace Community School in 2018. Director of Daily Operations of Grace Early Education, Victoria joined the Grace EEC-Tyler team in 2013. Staff | Grace Community Church of Willow Street Amy returned to teaching in 2014 after staying home for several years with her three children. He has been in full-time ministry for 18 years, starting off as a Youth pastor. Support Staff. in Management from UT Tyler. Highlights of Coach Lathams career include Coach of the Year 15 times; National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Section VII (comprised of the states of Arizona, Hawaii, Nevada, Utah and California) Boys Track Coach of the Year; California CIF Model Coach of the Year; High School Sports Association of San Diego Athletic Director Award; Award of Merit form the San Diego Starters Association, and awarded the National City, CA, Mayor Award. She also worked at George Mason Law & Economic Center and the International Monetary Fund as a research assistant. Jeff has worked as a high school teacher since 1991 and started at Grace Community School in 1997. Randy & Diane have been married for 26 years and have four children; Morgan, Garrett, Jordan and Gannon. Grace Community Church Ministries . Grant and his wife, Haleigh, have two young children: Abraham and Juniper. Night to Shine - February 10, 2023 Just mention:Enneagram, the news, and his favorite Christian artists (Vertical Worship and Meredith Andrews). Simultaneously, she worked part-time as a trainer at a cognitive learning center helping clients with learning disabilities. We're passionate about being intentional neighbors that reflect Christ. He previously served as the director of student life in the high school from 2021-2018, director of college guidance from 2007-2018, and a high school physics instructor from 2004-2007. Sundee and her family attend Grace Community Church. Morgan and her husband, Houston, moved to Tyler from Nampa, Idaho. He has coached football (MS and HS), baseball (HS), and track (MS and HS), and basketball (MS). Christi has an A.A. in Business Administration from Trinity Valley Community College and a B.B.A. in Psychology from OU. Mitchels first book, Even If, was published in 2021. Julia Gonzales. He has been at Grace since 2012 coaching speech and debate, and teaching Modern World History, US History, US Government, and Economics. Libby comes to Grace from Pine Cove, where she served on the communications team. He played football for The University of Georgia for one year, and was a two-year starter for the. Danny started teaching at Grace in 2007. We believe that God desires every Christian to live a life that reflects Christ to those around us. Darla received her bachelors degree in Nursing from The University of Oklahoma. Accounting Associate and Executive Assistant to Lead Pastor and Executive Pastor. Welcome Lunch - Grace Community Church He has coached age groups from 13 to 18. Watch I'm New Sundays @ 9am and 10:30am Check Out What's Going On All Events Recent Weekend Services She left in 2010 to be a stay-at-home-mom, and then returned in 2018 to teach art and music at Hand-In-Hand Preschool in Tyler. He was a widely recognized expert in management and administration of team sports, managing/directing over 400 meets at every level during the course of his career. Grace Community is about being and making disciples of Jesus Christ. Chris joined our coaching staffin 2022 and is the Director of Tennis at the Cascades Country Club. . Jace and his wife, Malory, have two children: Henry and Shepherd. She has been teaching first grade since 2017. At Grace Church, we are committed to the pattern established in the New Testament, and we thank the Lord for the qualified, able men who provide pastoral and administrative oversight to our church family. He has been with GCS since 2010 as a physics teacher, track and football coach. Jace has worked as the Grace Mens VarsityGolf Coach since 2019. She previously served as an intern and a part-time Social Media Specialist before joining the team full-time. Executive Director of Grace Early Education, Gail has worked at the Grace Early Education Center since 2008 and has worked in the early education field for more than 35 years. She has enjoyed being a stay-at-home mom for the past 9 years. Andrew continues to grow in knowledge and experience within the AV world and loves every second of it. He has taught sixth grade P.E and coached high school baseball and football during his time at the school. Amber Davidson, Children's Ministry Assistant . She has worked in public school special education for seven years before coming to Grace in 1997. Her heart beats passionately for the marginalized, women, and racial justice. Montrose CO. 81401 (970) 249-5306 Copyright 2023, Grace Community Church || Montrose CO. All Rights Reserved. Devon is a special education teacher at Canton Area Elementary School. Just mention:Anything! He may be an attorney by trade, but his true passion is coaching football and helping to develop men of character and integrity. Staff | Crossroads Grace Community Church Manteca, California Grace Director evelyn.tonn@gracesarasota.com Madi Pedro Preschool Pastor + Family Ministry Kids Coordinator madi@gracesarasota.com Elizabeth Ramey Preschool Pastor elizabeth@gracesarasota.com Kristen Klein Special Needs Leader kristen.klein@gracesarasota.com. McKenna moved to East Texas in 2014 from Edmond, Oklahoma, and was the Athletic Trainer and Sports Medicine teacher for Overton ISD for 8 years. Katie studied theater and music at Tyler Junior College and Stephen F. Austin State University before beginning a career teaching middle school theater in Whitehouse and Waco. Emma received her bachelors degree from Stephen F. Austin State University in 2019. He served as Director of Athletics for 20 years, was Director of Development for 5 years, and Head of Middle School for 5 years. Grace Community Church: Kingsville, MD > Staff Staff Ann Shanahan, Ministry Assistant Ann has been at Grace Community Church for over 15 years. John's main priorities are preaching, teaching, counseling and shepherding. A Tyler, Texas native, Williams Koehn is a Baylor University graduate where she was on the Baylor Co-Ed Cheer Team for four years. We believe that everything we do as a church must reflect Christ, but especially His love. Kellie has taught biology at Grace Community School since 2021. Rhonda attended the University of Texas at Tyler, where she earned a degree in Secondary Education and a Masters in Interdisciplinary Studies. Lanny has been in education since 1984 where he spent 9 years in public school before becoming a Christian school administrator in 1993. She has over 20 years of experience teaching voice and directing choirs in both public and private schools from the middle school to collegiate level. What keeps them busy? She received her bachelors degree from Texas A&M University and her masters degree in Secondary Education from Stephen F. Austin State University. Staff. Mikaela joined the Grace Community School staff in 2013 after being a Grace schoolparent for many years. Sabillon has coaching experience at the collegiate, high school, and club levels, and returned to Grace Community High School from Belhaven University in Jackson, MS. LeAnn received her bachelors degree from Texas A&M University. I empowered my team to make bold, independent decisions . He enjoys sports and coaching wrestling at Canton. Sarah has taught atGrace Community Schoolsince2012 after relocating to Tyler from California. He has a vast array of knowledge and experiences, including freelance designer, illustrator, photographer, and videographer for the last 20 years. Sherry received her bachelors degree from the University of Central Oklahoma.. Companies. Meeting friends to walk or have coffee, reading. Phyllissa began her teaching career in 2006 at a charter elementary school as a paraprofessional for three years when she was asked to create a Response to Intervention program for third through sixth graders. book is the Bible (Romans in particular). Big Valley Grace. She has also been involved with the Woven ministry by taking care of babies, toddlers, and kids at Grace! There, she co-published a paper with a professor in the Department of Education validating an instrument to assess cognitive test anxiety in students, advocating the need for interventions for those scoring on the moderate to severe levels. Christy has worked at Grace Elementary since 2015. Wendee is joining the Grace family as an Instructional Aide as well as the Coordinator for our Jr K and Kindergarten After School Program. She joined the Grace team in 2017 as the middle school administrative assistant. Heather grew up in Henderson and graduated from Texas A&M University at Texarkana. Ron and his family have greatly enjoyed living in various countries around the world, while learning and appreciating the various cultures, languages, religions, and people groups. Trying out restaurant recommendations, going on road trips, or chilling at home. Grant is a partner in the law firm, Gaston & Lindley, PLLC, where he focuses on estate planning, guardianships, business law, and mediation. She has an undergraduate degree from Louisiana Tech University in Elementary Education and a masters degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M. Before being involved in local church ministry, Rod served on the staff of Search Ministries, a parachurch organization dedicated to helping those who are far from Christ consider the claims of Christ in creative and non-threatening ways. She and her husband, Andy, have 3 children. She has two daughters who reside in Tyler. Derek enjoys discipling students, equipping leaders, and walking alongside families. He earned a trial for a professional team in England before retiring to pursue ministry. Strike up a conversation. Bible, Cross Country, & Track and Field Coach, Tracy has worked as a middle school and high school teacher since 2007 at Santa Fe Middle School, Bay Area Christian School, and Grace Community School since 2014. After many years of homeschooling her three children, Melissa has taught high school visual arts and ceramics since 1999, developing a three-tiered ceramics program along the way. Maggie also serves as the Interim Director of External Operations and Relationship for Patriot Athletics and additionally advises the Greek sorority, Zeta, and the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee also known as SAAC. LeAnn received her bachelors degree from Texas A&M University. Lewiss, The Screwtape Letters. Morgan has been a part of the upper campus Academic Success Center since 2021. Click here to get regular writings from Pastor Mitchel sent right to your email inbox! Strike up a conversation. He later attended Lamar University, receiving a masters degree in educational administration. She and her husband, Mike, have three children who graduated from Grace. Rick and his family enjoy swimming, tennis, and many other outdoor adventures together. She hails from west Texas, where she taught writing and literature courses at Abilene Christian University. and has 25 years of experience in elementary education as a teacher and a librarian. Andrew joined Grace in 2019 and has been on staff since summer of 2022. Grace Community Church - Great Place to work | Glassdoor Jennifer serves as elementary principal. Julie served as a fifth grade teacher with Grace Community School for 19 years before she and her family moved to Arkansas in 2018, where she served as a third grade teacher and then as director of The Eagle Foundation Learning Center. Gail feels that she was called to work with younger children, and their pure hearts bring her so much joy! Coach Smith says of his soccer girls, I always want to be someone they see as a strong Christian Husband and Father. Soon after, he took on a full-time job as the lead pastor of a small church. She has been married to her husband, Aaron, for 11 years and they have two daughters, Haley (6) and Gentry (4). It houses our office, classroom, sanctuary area, and a caf space. He served as an assistant coach at Lee County High School and Deerfield-Windsor School (Georgia). Armida works at Grace under/with the facilities department and has been for many years! Jasmine has been teaching since 2017 and joined the Grace Community School in 2022 as the elementary art teacher. Coach Gaston has been coaching football for 15 years, including serving as the Founder for FAST Football Camps, Inc., a ministry with the purpose of leading kids into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ by sharing the Gospel through football camps and clinics. We believe unchurched people matter to God and therefore matter to us. Jeff is married to Kathy, who also teaches. Staff Test Page River Oak Grace Community Church Todd, his wife Samantha, and their son Dominic are members of Christ Episcopal Church, where each serves as lay ministers in some capacity.