The Beyonder put out the fire, and the Wasp offered him membership in the Avengers, thinking that at least that way they could keep an eye on him. The Beyonder is the manifestation of the "Beyond-Realm," or simply the "Beyond," which exists separately from the multiverse. Sphinx quotes: "He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions." Reece was annoyed, and didn't want to talk to Uatu, but Marsha did. From his first appearance as a celestial being to his transition into human form, The Beyonder has starred in some of the most existential and exciting stories Marvel has ever told. Puma was coming in, prepared to kill the Beyonder. Having survived, Thanos rendered the Maker unconscious but did not kill her for he knew that doing so would unleash the true Beyonder from his/her weakened, mortal body. But the Molecule Man had greater power, because of his human potential. One of the local residents, Dave, a down-on-his luck local reporter, saw it and ran to see what was going on. Beyonder's powers and abilities In all of his versions, The Beyonder has the general ability to manipulate reality. Druig | Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki | Fandom [5], The Molecule Man later reiterates the same thing, while also revealing that the accident that gave him his power and the "child Beyonder" his awareness was engineered by the Beyonders. They had been friends, but now Reece was worried about how unstable he was becoming, and what he might do next. The X-Men & Avengers Enter The Spider-Verse In New Marvel Character The heroes stopped them, and the Molecule Man brought them all down to the Beyonder's base. They all traveled to the Crystal. He also has cosmic strength, which he frequently put his power to the test in order to learn more about humanity. Once again he was puzzled by the complexity of human emotion. The Beyonder once again said he desired to understand, and the petulant Cadwell filled him in on his cynical and anti-Hollywood ideology. Loki defied Those Who Sit Above in Shadows, and even put into question their origin and existence, by asking if the gods such as the Asgardians actually came from the stories that have been told about them, so it was possible that the gods of the gods did not create them in the first place. Having apparently learned all he wanted to know, the Beyonder then left abruptly. This is the time when his personality really began to take on most of his recognizable personality characteristics. Owen Reece eventually heard about this on the TV, and was worried about the Beyonder's new passion. The Beyonder was so powerful that the fallout of this conflict left a wish-fulfillment-like effect on the planet, allowing many heroes to regain things they had lost: Captain America was able to recreate his broken shield, among other effects. He appeared in his silvery armored form which he had once used in the Avengers. [36], The Beyonder proved capable of destroying, and recreating, the abstract entity known as Death across the multiverse, although it extremely exerted and weakened him to do so. He physically grew, and grew in power. When the events of Secret Wars I took place, the mind of Earth 616's Doom was living in another man's body, so the Beyonder took a future Doom's mind and body back to our time and put him in the Secret Wars. This was the first time the Beyonder was actually "seen" on panel; he appeared simply as a omnipresent energy surrounding Doom. Fueled by rage and The Beyonder's energy, Phoenix drops the celestial-god to his knees, a feat no other Marvel Comics character ever achieved. In order to see if it was the correct formula Felicia Hardy was used as a test subject and became the Black Cat. Surprisingly, he was unable to use his power to find Havok directly, and so he tried to telepathically search the minds of many of the humans around him. 09:52AM He discussed how hard it was, since there really was no reality other than what he willed to be: "Cows don't have wings because I don't want them to!" Not really caring, Beyonder brought them all back to New York, where he and Cage went off for lunch at a soul food restaurant. Whoever got the most, won. Doom said that while he remained David to the Beyonder's Goliath, he now had a sling that could help him find his enemy's weakness. He built an enormous tower filled with his favorite gadgets in Sparta, Illinois. He said the Earth heroes were just jealous, and that the Beyonder would be the greatest hero of them all--that only Death itself had anything to fear from the Beyonder, and the heroes certainly had no reason to worry. [22] When the Molecule Man's lover Volcana leaves him, he becomes angry, extracts the Beyonder from Kosmos, and proceeds to attack him until Kubik intervenes. Uatu importuned Reece to help them, but he refused, he just didn't want to get involved in such matters any more. In classic continuity, the thing that attracted his attention in both instances was the presence of the Molecule Man. He then appeared to Rachel, Cannonball, and Magik. The only one that was left was Reece. While waiting for the Legion Accursed to arrive, Mephisto tricked Thing into signing a contract that would increase his strength. Now fully-grown, he lived with his fellow Beyonders in the Beyond,[1] until he escaped the House of Ideas. Chapter 2 "The Gauntlet of the Red Skull" Spider-Man and the present others decide to use the remaining energy of the device initially used to recruit heros to teleport Black Cat (at the time she was assisting Blade and Morbius the Living Vampire in a battle with Mirium, Blade's mother.) Once again he used the too-manipulative approach he tried with Dazzler, giving her gifts: making her beautiful, older, without powers. This was the first appearance of Boom Boom. Cap attacked Doom, and Doom easily disintegrated him. He slaughtered most of the New Mutants and did battle with the Avengers and Rachel Summers, a.k.a. This event also features The Beyonder's first-albeit momentary-- defeat at the hands of Doctor Doom. The Beyonder told him his story, and Vinnie, believing him, sensed a business opportunity in his apparent lack of understanding of our world. [9], Later, Rabum Alal reveals to Doctor Strange that the Beyonders are responsible for the accident that turned Owen Reece into the Molecule Man, by using the child unit "The Beyonder" which in turn made the Molecule Man to be a singularityidentical in every realityto function as a "bomb" that would destroy its native universe. The people of Earth began to worship him for calming the catastrophes, not realizing he had started them in the first place. [1], The Beyonder encountered the Defenders in their journey into the "Mystery" beyond the Far Shore, outside the Multiverse. Spider-Man takes notes on his tape recorder and makes a pun "I feel doom hiding behind every corner." Since he was still somewhat naive, and often intentionally limited his awareness of the world in order to experience things more like a true human would, they were able to draw him into their tenement, telling him that they could provide him with true happiness through their drug. Angry at Kurse, Power Pack dropped a building on him. The question for him now was, should he tell the Beyonder? Cage was still angry, but Rand calmed him down, and Cage eventually went on to explain more about the importance of time and money. A powerful alien supervillain and master of all reality, Beyonder manipulated Loki Laufeyson (not realizing it was in fact Loki who manipulated him) into telling him of Earth's existence. However, he did have certain circumstances where he felt there was a chance for someone or something to defeat him. After becoming aware of the Earth, the Beyonders began studying the Marvel Multiverse with amusement and curiosity. Englehart did as asked but has stated that he tried to exile the character with dignity. Spider-Man tries to stop this, but Doom had already sent a portal going toawrds the heros; this portal teleported all the heros (with the exception of Ben) to a distant location. They explained to the Beyonder that Doom wanted his memories because he thought that with them, he would have been whole, and perhaps he would have been able to hold on to the power of the Beyonder during Secret Wars I. He then sent her to "convert" the other New Mutants to his cause of purity and peace. But as the name suggests, it's mainly used by Odin. It took the combined might of the X-Men New Mutants, and some Avengers to stop him. And yet the Beyonder was once again unhurt. The entities that were shown to have shared their power included Chaos and Order, the Gardener (and presumably the other Elders), Galactus, the Living Tribunal, Eon, the Celestials, and the In-Betweener. Nemesis is at least equal to its power because she is the . [3], The Cube expels the Molecule Man from its form, returning him to Earth, and soon evolves into the cosmic being known as Kosmos. With utmost respect, he bowed down to Black Bolt, proving his loyalty to him. The One-Above-All: Who Is Marvel's Supreme Being?,The One-Above-All and The Beyonder are godlike beings in the Marvel Universe, but one is definitely a more supreme being. She rejected it all, and asked him to take her home. As part of his attempt to help others find peace, he visited the New Mutants. Then he and Scion decided that they must take more drastic steps to help the Microverse as a whole. He then obliterated Death itself from the universe, thus earning the wrath of Mephisto, the "satanic" ruler of an other-dimensional realm of the dead. [20], Long after the Secret Wars II crossover had ended, a Deadpool special featured the "Secret Wars II continues in this issue" corner tag that was used during that original storyline. The fact that this story takes place before Secret Wars II is also interesting because all the events the Beyonder "recreates" on his false Manhattan are then from his future. They were both actually thankful at this. After discovering that the Maker was the Beyonder, Thanos came to see her, and in a deranged state, she destroyed a large portion of the Kyln. He was now able to use that analysis to change his armor in such a way that would help him defeat the Beyonder. He placed several large space station-like platforms on Earth, and a number of Earth heroes went inside them. This would have wrecked Mephisto's since he would have to recalibrate the machine. Even though Strange had seen so many mysteries and beings of power, and had "stood unafraid before Eternity himself," he recoiled at the sight of the Beyonder's true nature and power. When she got back to Earth, she called the Avengers, who got together to attack him. [26] He thereafter encountered a number of costumed adventurers, but found it difficult to understand even to relate to counsel offered him about the nature of life by some of them. Pre-Retcon Beyonder: Powers and Abilities Updates + Scans Quantu May 8, 2022 beyonder (pre-retcon) marvel comics Not open for further replies. They tried to help him, but it was not enough, and this time the Beyonder swept Reece aside with all the others. Eventually, they all ended up at a punk club. With this in mind, readers have ample opportunity to discover the celestial god for themselves. The Micronauts couldn't agree with this cold-blooded tactic, and attacked, killing Scion, but they were unable to persuade him to bring the planets back. Seer pathway abilities (Angel level) : r/LordofTheMysteries At first, he manipulated her into loving him, but quickly saw this was not the answer, and released her. When the Beyonder arrived, Magik offered herself up as a sacrifice in exchange for the lives of the others; the Beyonder disintegrated her with no regard for the deal. He was at this time still wearing the face of the Molecule Man. The Cosmic Cube retcon made the Beyonder and Molecule Man far less powerful than they were before. The Beyonder went back to Owen's apartment to talk over all of these recent problems. Finally she calmed down enough to where he was able to explain, and they had some more natural conversations. Finally he gave her half of his power (making her more powerful than anyone else in existence), but it didn't matter. Asking for more information about him, the Illuminati sadly discovered that Black Bolt, the Inhuman leader, did not seem to remember the Beyonder prior to the Beyonder's elevation to nigh (?) In addition, Eternity itself would be the gunner for the weapon. When the Evolutionary arrived at the Beyonders' planet museum, he himself reported that his mind snapped when he witnessed the scope of their powers and how effectively insignificant he was compared to these alien beings. The celestial god arrives to condemn Phoenix's weakness, reminding her that death renders life meaningless. Owen Reece, a.k.a. The celestial god soon grows discontent and adopts death as the only meaning in life. Dave volunteered, seeing in this act the chance to do something important with his own life, and the Beyonder killed him, resurrecting him as the new avatar of Death. [12], The Defenders encountered the Beyonders when they went outside the Multiverse. But everything he had heard led him to believe that being partly mortal was the only way to make it through. In this reality, the Secret Wars never happened. The Beyonder is an infamous member of the Beyonder race. He said that when he was drunk, Dr. Once the Avengers arrived, however, they were angry with him because they wanted to capture her, not banish her. But Malevolence's father, Mephisto, followed. He insists than Ben must take him to this lab. The Beyonder sought to make Alison Blaire (Dazzler), his lover, and even went so far as to bestow half of his power upon her so that they would be equals. The Beyonder showed up and destroyed the base himself, complaining that the humans fear everyone more powerful than themselves, and saying that they're all paranoid. She found his essence and took it over. Mephisto suddenly attacked with demons, but sadly to no avail. The Beyonder brought her, and then later the Power children, to a hospital. [12] Finally, the Beyonder creates a form for himself based on that of Captain America after witnessing him defeat Armadillo. He was now, however, learning about the importance of money to the people of Earth. [45] Lastly, while in his own words "technically omnipotent" this depends on the circumstances he is placed in as he doubted he would even stand a chance against the true Phoenix Force in the White Hot Room which suggests that the limits of his powers or how he measures up to other cosmic beings depends on the context of the situation (such as location or the authority of the other cosmic being in the hierarchy of existence). He repelled Galactus "like a bug",[46] and exceeded the collected energy of the latter's World-Ship. The Illuminati convince the Beyonder to leave the universe, causing the Beyonder's human form and his simulacrum city to crumble into dust. Angry at Cloak and Dagger for stopping the drug dealers, who he still believed were good, he used their powers to cancel out the powers of the other, turning them both human again. He was still observing her though, and was interested in her power, saying that, out of those he had encountered so far, she was the being who had the potential to be the most like him. Reed attacks Doom, the other heros aid Reed while Ben asks them to hold their assault. During the battle, he famously said, "The trouble is, lesser beings can't really perceive the bulk of the action--the billions of feints, thrusts, and parries per second--or the countless levels, besides the physical, upon which this fight, however one-sided, is taking place!" Clearly it takes place after Secret Wars I, and since Richards mentions that he was scanning for the Beyonder since Battleworld (and doesn't mention anything from Secret Wars II), it seems likely that it takes place before Secret Wars II. This is known as the second retcon. By the time Mephisto planned to drop his contract with Thing, nearly all of the Legion Accursed were defeated. The train flew apart into all its component pieces. Writers later on depowered The Beyonder, which resulted with other versions. [43], Upon reaching the House, he hid himself until the Defenders finished their business. She is saved by Spider-Man and Captain America, this allows the villians to escape. After the amnesiac Maker destroys a Shi'ar colony, the Imperial Guard manage to imprison it in the interstellar prison called the Kyln. He teleported into Nebula's ship and, thinking he was helping the Avengers, teleported her away from the scene. The Beyonder told her his story, and they were both glad to be with someone else who shared in their unhappiness. When encountered, the Beyonder is dwelling in a simulacrum of Manhattan Island on Ceres, a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt. He launched right into his standard set of questions, asking about understanding and experience. Phoenix. She was eventually put in a form of coma by Thanos, and eventually apparently killed during the events of Annihilation. Finally they stopped, realizing they could do nothing, and he just walked away, saying that he still knew he couldn't take the easy way out, and that he had 10 pointshe won. It should be very obvious Uru Visser, also known as Beast, is the estranged older twin brother of Aethel Visser, the son and nephew of Rion Visser and Isis VisserIsis Visser is the leader of the Beyonder Sheltering Organization, A legendary Beyonder, and the brother to the lateRion Visser, as well as the Number III in the Red Barrow. It is unclear whether this was at the beginning of Secret Wars I (attracting him to our universe for the first time) or at the beginning of Secret Wars II (attracting him to come to Earth). The Beyonder is a cosmic entity of immense power. [40], The Kyln was later attacked and destroyed by the Annihilation Wave. send you an email once approved. At one point when he wanted to die, he was going to let the Thing kill him (or at least his body) by intentionally not healing himself. However, the Dragon was able to take her over anyway, and just took advantage of her extra power. Then he left the Hulk and entered Spider-Woman, and finally left her and entered Klaw. This was the beginning of his philosophical journey, and of his symbiotic relationship with Reece. Along with his reality altering powers.This version is Nigh-Omnipotent. Every-moment is precious because, at any time, death can take life away. He was now the gateway between all realities, and if the Beyonder got hold of him, h would have access to the Nexus. They managed to separate Heather Douglas, Moondragon, from her possession by the evil creature, and they fled together. Much like Thanos, The Beyonder can shape, change and--if desired--destroy worlds and realities. There is another dimension, where a race of incredibly powerful beings known as the Beyonders (plural) live and watch our universe. Rachel was occasionally able to feel his presence, but couldn't get a lock on him. The Torch, tremendously afflicted by the event, became unsure of his role as a hero. The other attacked, with no affect. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, Marvel Comics' The Beyonder's Powers, Weaknesses & Essential Reading, Dr. Demons from Limbo attacked. In Secret Wars II, it was unclear exactly why the Molecule Man's accident opened a portal to the Beyond-realm, other than that it was of universal importance. Doom was unsure what to do with his newfound omnipotence, which was even greater than it was when he had Galactus' power. A man from a nearby island happened to come by and was inspired by the Beyonder's "think system," and told others. Additionally, this issue introduces the all-powerful Cosmic Cube, which dominated the MCU. [9], The Beyonder is a young member of an ancient race from beyond the Multiverse known as the Beyonders. Childlike and vastly powerful, he grew up in a universe created by the other Beyonders for their young. [12], The narration stated that he possessed power millions of times greater than the entire multiverse combined,[35] and that a regular universe was a drop of water in the ocean compared to the Beyond Realm. For instance, he had revived Algrim the Elf as Kurse, in order to see what would happen if Kurse fulfilled his desire to kill Thor. How did Dr Doom absorb the power of the Beyonders if they are - Quora Doctor Strange 2 Sets the Stage for the MCU's Secret Wars - But Which One? He once destroyed a galaxy on a whim to meet his needs during the first Secret Wars, and later, by using his entire energies, created a universe out of his own being. Doom uses his powers to force Spider-Man and the heros against a wall. They then said that this was not true, because he was created by his mutant gene, as if that were not natural.