ThinkDM has a great article ongrapplingin 5th edition and how the base grappling feat is weak, so with that in mind, I wanted to make sure that the whips grapple wouldnt have the same fate. Your ki point maximum increases by 1. As-is a whip is basically just a dagger that deals slashing damage and has a 10 ft. reach. Menu. Which should be the dominant model here. But I think DMs can make a call about whether this extended range would include those extras. dnd 5e - Is this homebrew Whip Specialist Fighting Style balanced The Abyssal Whip is a powerful weapon and extremely accurate. Push/Pull/Bind is 2 rolls, mine and the targets, to prevent it from being OP. Instead youve got a deadly combo now, by picking both feats! Giving rogues the ability to use whips gives the weapon a niche without changing anything mechanically. Polearm Master, both pre and post errata, includes the quarterstaff which can be wielded one handed. Thorny Ki. I rarely see them used which is a shame for a weapon with so much flavor. That being said, when I do I will certainly be sure to revise everything as needed. Lance when mounted, one handed d8 weapon to taste when dueling single targets on foot, whip when looking for maximum stickiness. Both of these effects will increase your damage by a little bit, and they both improve the bigger the weapon you're using. I havent yet, but its still on the to-do list! It's exceptionally strong on monks, but at the same time monk is an incredibly weak class already so it's balanced. War Caster - Feats in D&D 5e - YouTube Welcome to this Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition wiki. Of course that raises the problem that a rogue can now do their sneak attack damage with a whip, which is a bit silly for me as a DM, Id probably offer half damage on sneak attack dice. If not stated then default will be damage. Learn more about the Wizard of Combat GMing course and my D&D 5e Combat course here! So a dagger theoretically deals the same damage, also has the finesse property, and has a longer range than the whip. I'm going to make thisway harderthan itneeds to be. I built it this way, so you dont have to take DD at all, or at least you dont have to take it first. Now that I think about it, I would put in war pick with the Morningstar feat actually, offering a brutal critical effect, rather than a impactful miss that the warhammer gets via the Bludgeoning feat. Instead, we could create a proper niche for the weapon so that martial classes, in general, might consider it. Is it Unearthed Arcana or in a book? -Damage: 1D4, Roll of 20 or above (Apply Damage to any action): 5 wis (ranger) 5 cha (rogue) 5 feat Total of +20 initiative. I couldnt recommend this guide enough.. Youve Got to Roll With It was published in the national broadsheet, The Independent. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a bludgeoning weapon: Distracting Strike, Menacing Attack, Pushing Attack, Sweeping Attack (maul only), Trip Attack, Brace (UA)*. Plus one superiority die alone is a bit underwhelming. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with a flail: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Lunging Attack, Menacing Attack, Trip Attack, Brace (UA)*. This feat will also allow you to make use of your bonus action by attacking with a second hand crossbow, if you feel so inclined. If this were a feat for say, a greatsword, it might be a bit overtuned. He can also set the chain ablaze, hence the additional fire damage andFlame Tongue-esque light. By taking the Charger Feat and casting Haste, a wizard can Dash, use a bonus action to attack, and then take a second action. You don't actually state this, but are they not under the Grappled condition because they can choose move closer to you? This is a nice feat for someone like a ranger or barbarian who wants to have a bit more versatility and choice in combat. The whip extends your OA range which makes you a better defender. He turns to +1 bonuses a lot, which I find rather boring and flavourless, with a high fiddle to reward ratio, and some of the other mechanics seem a bit clumsy too. On a successful check, the creature cannot move away from you. Bow of the Viper | Level Up You learn three maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform while wielding a longsword or greatsword: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Feinting Attack, Lunging Attack, Menacing Attack, Parry, Precision Attack, Pushing Attack, Riposte, Sweeping Attack, Tripping Attack and Brace (UA)*. How to play with pets in D&D - Blizzard Watch Each foot you swing costs one foot of movement. A feat makes it a) optional, b) an investment and c) makes a characterbetter at something theyre already doing. I suspect some will see it as overpowered, but Im not inclined to worry too much about game balance. At the end, you will get the option to select only some results to generate our own PDF or to print cards on Magic format. Prerequisites: Wisdom 13 or Higher. They are a one-handed finesse weapon with reach. Use the statistics for a mace. Indeed, the idea of this post actually came to me when I was trying to devise a Whip Master feat for an Indiana Jones style explorer I wanted to be able to disarm, trip and distract with my whip which naturally led me to the Martial Adept feat, and its access to the aforementioned manoeuvres. Im considering ruling that the spear is a always a reach weapon (without requiring a feat) as this reflects real world usage both single and dual handed. I wonder if you should only be able to enter a defensive stance only when no hostile creatures are around you though? (My rent-paying projects all involve tourism so Ive basically been unemployed since March. Thorn Whip 5E is exclusively a Druid spell, so all Druids have the ability to cast it, as well as anybody who has access to their spell list through the feat Magic Initiate. When a Stalker Vigilante reaches level 2, he or she can select Whip of Vengeance as his or her Vigilante talent, and Whip Mastery is a bonus feat that can be obtained without meeting any of its prerequisites. Im curious if you have had a chance to play this? You may use a bonus action to wrap your whip around a beam, branch or similar object within range and swing up to 10 feet. Sentinel 5e Interactions The Sentinel feat adds a lot of complexity to battle, so there have been several strange interactions that come along with it, such as: If you happen to have a reach longer than 5ft (such as with a polearm type weapon), this will trigger when an enemy leaves that distance. Most finesse weapons also lack the properties that some of the more powerful 5e weapons have, such as Reach and Heavy (which meshes well with the Great Weapon Master feat). When you take the attack action using a flail, you may disregard a shields bonus to a creatures AC on one of your weapon attacks. This allows closing and lateral movement and imparts no other restrictions on the creature's actions. You cant quite beat the sentinel and polearm build with this, but its fun, powerful, and adds more control and finally makes whips a worth while consideration. is it that they simply can't move further away? Then later, pick up Dual Wielder, War Caster and Sentinel, using a rapier in the off hand for AoOs with booming blade at two different radii. 3 lvls rogue, 3 ranger, 6 barbarian. I did finally add the same restriction to recovering expended dice, as the Sword Master feat, for the same reasons given previously. I say theoretically because theaction economy does come into play here. The great thing about feats is only the people interested in them have to learn them, and the DM doesnt have to remember that the scimitar has the parry property for all their NPCs for example (as with my previous, properties-driven attempt to address this problem). I found your article very responsive and easy to understand. I feel like a good quick balance to the whip would to make it 2d4, makes it a lot more viable and wanted given that the min damage is 2. bugbear Gloom Stalker ranger with duelist as the weapon style. *Plus Blinding Attack and Disabling Attack from this list. You were right the first time that you needed Dual Wielder - the whip is not a light weapon. "When you take the Attack action and attack with a light melee weapon that you're holding in one hand, you can use a bonus action to attack with a different light melee weapon that you're holding in the other hand. It's the only 1 handed reach weapon so it can be used with a shield, which others can't - useful for front line non-tank. Many thanks to the Wuhan Food Market Sanitation & Standards Office for these fun, financially crippling times!). D&D 5E How can the whip be optimized as a weapon? - EN World So a dagger theoretically deals the same damage, also has the finesse property, and has a longer range than the whip. I was really pleased with my creation, but the response so far has been underwhelming. As-is theyre just daggers that havereach. Honestly, I'd just say to make the extra d4 a standard whip feature, and make it 2d4+2 with the feat. Axe Master: How does the extended critical range combine with the extended critical range from the Champion subclass? Why is this the case? Its a little untidy, esp. Alert 2. Of course you dont get sneak attacks (unless you multiclass) but it provides some really great utility. Components: V, S, M (area of dim light or darkness). Another house rule of mine that affects PAM is that opportunity attacks provoke opportunity attacks from other hostile creatures within reach. Barbarian 3 / Rogue X. And thus, the Whip Master feat gave me my formula for virtually all of the Weapon Master Feats you can now find below. Stacking hexblade (cha to damage), thirsty blade (+cha with your hex weapon), oathbreaker paladin's aura of hatred (+cha to weapon), and dueling fighting style (+2 to damage) can make any weapon pretty fierce. Sure its a one-handed reach weapon, but quite frankly the benefits of the whip dont outweigh the benefits of most of the other weapons you could pick from as a martial front-line character. The Polearm Master feat ends up doing the same thing but with a much more common trigger, right? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Thanks everyone. Immediately after you take the Attack action and attack with a whip, you can use your bonus action to trip or pull your target. Thanks for the feedback! Not sure what I confused it with. You know who doesnt have proficiency with whips? When you score a critical hit with a flail, if the target is a Large-sized creature or smaller, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or be knocked prone. First of all, whips arent light weapons. It made me think of important details. When you score a critical hit with a weapon that deals bludgeoning damage, if the target is a Large-sized creature or smaller, it must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be knocked prone. Unearthed Arcana + Homebrew), The Harder They Fall: Revising Falling Damage for 5e, Snap up this epic adventure on the DMs Guild. I want to create a fun choice for players, not make one weapon, and its corresponding feat, way more attractive than the others. Swashbuckler Thats the one I meant. Joining the 50,000 gamers that read Hipsters & Dragons each month is as easy as looting a kobold's corpse. The books magic weapon generator makes it easy to roll up 10,000s more buy for just $7.95 on the DMs Guild. If so, it seems pretty solid. Taking the Feat and the Loopholes; Races with Innate Magic; For the Min-Maxers; FAQs. New weapon properties are not for everyone, it seems! POLEARM MASTER FEAT How Does the Chef Feat Work in 5e? My DM isn't familiar with Feats, so they don't want to let us use them at the table. If there was some way to make stuff like Booming Blade and the Swashbuckler's rakish audacity work with them, I'd be all about it. It would be neat to play around with the disarming attack feature in the whip master feat too. Feats 5e Dungeons & Dragons - DnD 5e - AideDD Between bashing out new Battle Master maneuvers and fine tuning all of the above feats, not to mention playing in two campaigns and DMing a third, Ive been spending a crazy about of time thinking about, playing and creating stuff around Dungeons & Dragons recently. I had been considering a whip using bugbear who was a lion tamer in a circus and retooling a shield to loo like a wooden chair! I'm not quite sure I'm answering your question though. Thorn Whip 5E - Cantrip - A Complete Spell Guide - Dnding You get a +1 bump to either your Constitution or Wisdom ability score. A succubus is a creature that can deal some damage, but use its demonic powers to infatuate a target to the point of incapacitation. Both Monk (Kensei) and Rogue can use it to deliver high damage at reach. You gain the following benefits: You become proficient in whips, if you are not already. You could multiclass into barbarian and have advantage on initiative rolls (at lvl6). -Damage: 2D4. Something must be done to right this wrong, and Im just the person to do it. If we think about what a weapon master can do in combat with their chosen tool, then we start to think about the tricks and stunts already covered by the Battle Master archetypes maneuvers. Lots of great ideas. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform with a dagger or shortsword: Disarming Attack, Distracting Strike, Evasive Footwork, Feinting Attack, Precision Attack and Riposte*. The Warlock has a summonable pet Succubus that used a whip in battle and could charm enemies to incapacitate them. Watch. Same goes for Great Weapon Master. Design Notes: For ages Ive been debating how to get across (what I see as) the flails main advantage, the ability to strike over or around a shield. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. The rest is similar to the Bludgeoning Master feat, and so I feel theres a nice balance between the feats which is important. Buy this 5e adventure with an old school flavour for $5.95 on the DMs Guild. Not sure the benefits of reach when you can just shoot it from even further away. The grapple is uncontested, meaning that the whip user simply needs to beat the target's AC. All 3 of these points are basically the justification for any feat in 5e. I dont like the maneuver dice mechanic, but thats my personal preference not an inherent problem with the idea. Charm Monster is a bit more powerful, so I gave it a cost of 3 charges to keep it in line with similar items that value a 4th level spell at 3 charges. I think Id edit Polearm Master so that (at least) the extra attack requires wielding the weapon two-handed, and have Spear Master require wielding handed. A blog comment that missed the point, and some average comments/reviews on the DMs Guild. You learn two maneuvers of the Battle Master archetype from the following list, which you can perform in conjunction with a thrown dagger attack: Disarming Attack, Distracting Attack and Precision Attack*. I'm already working on a new version very similar to the one you suggested! DnD: How to Build Castlevania's Simon Belmont in 5e Top 10 Fighter Feats for 5E 10. damage on a critical or you use the Lingering Injuries table in the DMG (or a substitute table) then it could be overpowered! Is this homebrew "Acrobatic Grappler" feat balanced? -Trip: Succeeds, target must Dex Save or be Prone Another class I would suggest using is the Battle master since their maneuver abilities provide most of and more of the abilities listed in your feat. Ok, yeah I think your version is pretty good and seems more realistic too. The main problem with whips (beyond the low damage die) is that they don't get to benefit from the Polearm Master feat like other reach weapons, which then chains into the Sentinel feat combo. I figured that allowing it to castHold Person andHold Monsterwas a great way to reskin this feature. DnD 5e: The Best College of Whispers Bard Build - CBR The Linguist Feat: A Key To Success In Dungeons And Dragons Minimising the environmental effects of my dyson brain, Replacing broken pins/legs on a DIP IC package. Design Notes: More or less the same as Bludgeoning Master, I felt the morningstar needed its own feat, so I gave it a little twist. Where the Chef feat really stands out are the last two benefits. Illusion cantrip. If you enjoyed what you read be sure to check out my ongoing review for all of the official D&D 5e books! I will be looking for some more articles on your site thanks for this lovely post. So with that in mind, I wanted to create a whip that could serve as a solid offensive weapon, but have the ability to charm creatures as well. I felt that in order to compete with a +2 Dexterity score increase, there was still room for a superiority die in the feat. It's completely fine and opens up a nich. Have you playtested it? But they're good for DEX Paladins since they're melee weapons (so you can still smite with them, without being right next to someone), or for Rangers for stacking Hunter's Mark and subclass damage dice (maybe with the Dual Wielder feat). When you wield a javelin or spear, you gain the following benefits: *Plus Acrobatic Defense, Blinding Strike, Crippling Attack, Defensive Feint, Defensive Stance, Disabling Strike and Preemptive Strike from these maneuvers. And sometime in 2020 Im going to be publishing a sequel to Dragon Heist that I think is going to blow your mind! No need to talk about "shoving" a creature here. The difference between the phonemes /p/ and /b/ in Japanese. You've practiced casting spells amid combat, learning techniques that grant you the following advantages: You have an edge on Constitution saving throws that you make to keep your concentration on a spell once you take damage.