(3) (8 points) The differences between eligible Student Support Services students compared to an appropriate group, based on the following indicators: (iii) Graduate and professional school enrollment rates (four-year colleges only). citations and headings New The 2021-2022 Student Support Services Annual Performance Report is available February 23, 2023. (2) 2 CFR part 200 (Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards), as adopted at 2 CFR part 3474. What is the review process for unsuccessful applicants? Whether the applicant met or exceeded its objective regarding the participants served during the project year who are in good academic standing at the grantee institution. Building on this years success, Retamozo, and her team have developed additional technical assistance services to support clients after the grants are funded and to secure funding for new and existing clients in upcoming grant competitions, such as Talent Search and Educational Opportunity Centers. TRIO/SSS serves all program participants regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national or ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, disability, marital status, or age. 1070a-11 and 1070a), (a) Except for grantees described in paragraph (b) of this section, a grantee that uses Student Support Services program funds for grant aid to eligible students described in 646.30(i) must -, (1) Match the Federal funds used for grant aid, in cash, from non-Federal funds, in an amount that is not less than 33 percent of the total amount of Federal grant funds used for Grant aid; and. Displaying title 34, up to date as of 3/02/2023. Loyola University New Orleans launched its inaugural TRIO-Student Support Services (SSS) program in Spring 2021. (3) May adjust a calculated PE score or decide not to award PE points if other information such as audit reports, site visit reports, and project evaluation reports indicates the APR data used to calculate PE points are incorrect. CFDA Number: 84.042 What are the matching requirements for a grantee that uses Student Support Services program funds for student grant aid? There are a few basic requirements to join TRIO SSS. The Impacts of Regular Upward Bound on Postsecondary Outcomes 7-9 Years After Scheduled High School Graduation: Final Report TRIO Student Support Services. The funding success rate for this grant cycle is 97%. (f) Purchase, lease, or rental of computer hardware, software, and other equipment, service agreements for such equipment, and supplies for participant development, project administration, or project recordkeeping. You can learn more about the process View the most recent official publication: These links go to the official, published CFR, which is updated annually. (ii) The maximum total score for all the criteria in 646.22 is 15 points. TRIO includes eight programs targeted to serve and assist low-income individuals, first-generation college students, and individuals with disabilities to progress through the academic pipeline from middle school to postbaccalaureate programs. TRIO Student Support Services - State College of Florida, Manatee If you have questions for the Agency that issued the current document please contact the agency directly. Department of EducationOffice of Postsecondary EducationLBJ Building, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W.Mail Stop LBJ 2-261-05Washington, DC 20202, Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement, Training Program for Federal TRIO Programs Staff, Federal TRIO Programs Current-Year Low-Income Levels, Fast Facts Report for the Educational Opportunity Centers Programs: 2018-19, Postsecondary Degree Completion Rates Among Students on the Upward Bound/Upward Bound Math-Science to Student Support Services Pathway, Fast Facts Report for the Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science Programs: 201718, Fast Facts Report for The Veterans Upward Bound Program, Student Support Services particpants in the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study, Fast Facts Report for the Student Support Services Program, Fast Facts Report for the Talent Search Program, Upward Bound and Upward Bound Math-Science Program Postsecondary Outcomes Report, Persistence and Completion in Postsecondary Education of Participants in the TRIO Student Support Services Program, Dear Colleague Letter: Developmental Education, Find out more about programs that support military veterans, Letter to TRIO and GEAR UP programs' project directors about an ED and HHS collaborative for disconnected youth, Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement, Student Support Services February 23, 2023, Veterans Upward Bound February 23, 2023, Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement March 13, 2023, Upward Bound/Upward Bound Math-Science March 13, 2023, Educational Opportunity Centers April 3, 2023. Student Support Services (SSS) projects also may provide grant aid to current SSS participants who are receiving Federal Pell Grants (# 84.063). Institution of higher education means an educational institution as defined in sections 101 and 102 of the Act. In 1968, Student Support Services, which is our current TRiO grant program, was authorized by the Higher Education Amendments and became the third in a series of educational opportunity programs. TRIO Programs are very effective and many students from low-income families depend on these programs to succeed academically in high school and college. Peer and professional coaches are dedicated to building academic skills, helping scholars navigate the university experience and supporting personal growth. The Secretary evaluates the extent to which the project budget is reasonable, cost-effective, and adequate to support the project. 646.4 What activities and services does a project provide? (5) Degree completion and transfer (for an applicant institution of higher education offering primarily an associate degree). The program propels students at Michigan State University towards academic success and graduation. (6) Assistance in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The U.S. Department of Education has announced that East Tennessee State University will receive the federally funded Student Support Services (SSS) grant totaling $348,002 annually for five years to help more first-generation and low-income students and students with disabilities succeed and graduate. (DALLAS) -- NOSOTROS Education Center (NEC) assisted 45 colleges and universities in writing 60 successful federally funded grant proposals during the 2020 Student Support Services (SSS) grant cycle, the company announced today. (1) (6 points) Committed facilities, equipment, supplies, personnel, and other resources to supplement the grant and enhance project services; (2) (6 points) Established administrative and academic policies that enhance participants' retention at the institution and improve their chances of graduating from the institution; (3) (2 points) Demonstrated a commitment to minimize the dependence on student loans in developing financial aid packages for project participants by committing institutional resources to the extent possible; and. (2) (4 points) The applicant intends to use the results of an evaluation to make programmatic changes based upon the results of project evaluation. The maximum score for each criterion is indicated in parentheses with the criterion. Top Menu(425) 739-8100 Students Access LionsLink Powered by ctcLink COVID-19 Exposure Reporting The Secretary evaluates the quality of the applicant's plan of operation on the basis of the following: (1) (3 points) The plan to inform the institutional community (students, faculty, and staff) of the goals, objectives, and services of the project and the eligibility requirements for participation in the project. TRIO Storymap - ed Program Type : Discretionary/Competitive Grants CFDA Number : 84.103A (3) (3 points) The quality of the applicant's plan for employing personnel who have succeeded in overcoming barriers similar to those confronting the project's target population. (d) The applicant must assure the Secretary in the application that the institution's financial aid office will consult with the SSS project with respect to which SSS participants should receive grant aid and the amount of the grant aid awards. development of each Scholar through exclusive access to tutoring, educational workshops, Student Support Services | First-Generation Programs The grantee does not have to revalidate a participant's eligibility after the participant's initial selection. (2) A technical or administrative error in the processing of an application includes -. National Evaluation of Student Support Services: Examination of Student Outcomes After Six Years (2010). (ii) That would be funded if the Secretary had 150 percent of the funds that were set aside for the second review of applications for the competition. To be a TRIO-SSS Scholar, a student must be a citizen or permanent resident of the Pandemic Relief Grant Funds Application. (3) After the Secretary issues a notification of grant award to successful applicants, the Secretary notifies each unsuccessful applicant in writing as to the status of its application and the funding band for the second review and provides copies of the peer reviewers' evaluations of the applicant's application and the applicant's PE score, if applicable. Students who actively participate in the program every semester are eligible for scholarship funding at the end of year academic year. TRiO Student Support Services was established with the intent to provide students with academic growth and development opportunities, assist . (ii) The final score assigned to the application is within the funding band described in paragraph (d) of this section. 61 FR 38537, July 24, 1996, unless otherwise noted. Lavelle Wright, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue SW, Room 268-24, Washington, DC 20202-4260. TRIO Grant Aid Application TRIO Grant Aid Requirements/Info (1) An applicant whose grant application was not evaluated during the competition may request that the Secretary review the application if -, (i) The applicant has met all of the application submission requirements included in the Federal Register notice inviting applications and the other published application materials for the competition; and. TRIO Student Support Services | CVTC services for students. Moreover, in the 2008-2009 academic year, Student Support Services could only serve 119 or 30% of those 391meaning that 70% of eligible, low-income students could not be served by SSS. Use the links below to learn more about us! (5) (10 points) The applicant's plan to ensure proper and efficient administration of the project, including the organizational placement of the project; the time commitment of key project staff; the specific plans for financial management, student records management, and personnel management; and, where appropriate, its plan for coordination with other programs for disadvantaged students. (b) Administrative or scoring error for applications that were reviewed. (3) The funding band is composed of those applications -, (i) With a rank-order score before the second review that is below the lowest score of applications funded after the first review; and. (d) Construction, renovation, or remodeling of any facilities. To achieve a 97% success level for this grant truly is a mark of excellence to celebrate.. Contact: Elizabeth Retamozo eretamozo@nosotrosedu.org, 2014 by NEC. result, it may not include the most recent changes applied to the CFR. Retamozo operates a firm with a national focus, helping a variety of non-profit agencies and institutions, from small to large and public to private with clients from coast to coast. Telephone: (202) 453-7739. Frequently Asked Questions What do I have to do? The Director for TRIO SSS will take a lead role in ensuring the successful implementation and renewal of our approved 5-year federal grant which includes two projects; Student Support Services and STEM Student Support Services. Jayme McMahon, senior program manager for the UNM-Gallup Student Success Center and author of the TRIO grant proposal . TRIO Student Support Services - Services The SSS projects may also provide individualized counseling for personal, career, and academic information, activities, and instruction designed to acquaint students with career options; exposure to cultural events and academic programs not usually available; mentoring programs, securing temporary housing during breaks for students who are homeless youths and students who are in foster care or are aging out of the foster care system. NOSOTROS Education Center Announces Successful Results for Student Support Services Clients with Over $86 Million in Grants Awarded, Company to Offer Expanded Services This Year. (d) The Secretary uses the approved number of participants, or the actual number of participants served in a given year if greater than the approved number of participants, as the denominator for calculating whether the applicant has met its approved objectives related to paragraph (e)(2) of this section (Postsecondary retention) and paragraph (e)(3) of this section (Good academic standing). Our mission is to equip traditionally underrepresented students who meet our eligibility requirements with the education, skills, resources, and support they need towards graduation and / or transfer to a four-year institution towards completion of a bachelor's degree. 646.20 How does the Secretary decide which new grants to make? 646.3 Who is eligible to participate in a Student Support Services project?