Away ya clown yi. The first time I was convener, we did inquiries we even did our own Act of Parliament. Starts to make sense why Lloyd has been prevented from giving testimony under oath. I think you might mean Christine Grahame? Christine Graham - Ex.. - J. Hillis Miller Health Center | ZoomInfo A week or two at the tops @jeggit Jason Michael. She continued to campaign for this for a number of years, with the line eventually opening between Edinburgh and Tweedbank in 2015. It looks tiny with no lips. Preparations had been made since December 2017, when Police Scotland were approached for the first time by Judith McKinnon. that JB also name checks? Because we all know it exists, even Alex Salmonds lawyers know it exists and anyone who was at the criminal trial knows it exists, including the Judiciary! but McDonalds is open. They tend, then, to make cowardly politicians. The one thing I will say though is that Ms Grahame seems very much like my mum theres nothing going to keep her back. Crown Office ordered to release evidence of Alex Salmond conspiracy Skip navigation. Interesting that even the BBC is, after months of pretty much ignoring this, now giving it proper attention: It was the lead story on Radion 4s P.M. programme tonight. Was it Mr Donnelly who was contacted? What is this all about, Brian? What is one to do? Of course the censored chapters of Salmonds evidence is already in the public domain. Christine Graham Obituary (1945 - 2022) - Legacy Remembers Governments tend to think weve got four years in or five years in this time, we must get this through. The reason being that while we are understandably nervous it detracts from the message. Grahame has lodged several questions and motions on this in the Scottish Parliament[23] and continues to be involved with campaign groups on the matter. In February, MSPs on the committee refused to endorse Scottish Government plans to scrap the centuries-old requirement of corroboration. Another thought were the MSP for Dumbarton and Donald Cameron simply laying the groundwork for more incisive questioning next Monday? Could she not have taking a few copies of Alex Salmond statements and asked the lord advocate ( after handing him a copy) which part named the alleged victim to which he wanted removed? Could someone please send me a link to that fabulous post/poem earlier that ended with the world is closed but Mac Donalds is open The way to force the release of the information from the COPFS which can not be resisted, is simply to pass a one paragraph Act. I think that the role of backbenchers and the role of people like me is to, in a way, hold your party to account a little bit at times; [though] not to freelance, because Im very loyal to the Scottish National Party and to independence Whereas in here, it may seem a bit [contentious], theres fewer of us. Surely that would have sunk his boat instead of asking questions that have an infinite get out Claus. February 24, 2021 by, excluded the then-Lord Advocate, Elish Angiolini, from Cabinet meetings,,,_Lord_Mulholland,,,, [3], After a period as a housewife, she returned to Edinburgh University as a mature student where she earned a Bachelor of Laws degree in 1984 and a Diploma in Legal Practice in 1985, subsequently practising as a solicitor at a number of law firms until her election as an MSP in 1999.[4]. She cant fall back on her legal career. The other thing that distracted me was her mouth. My concern is we want cases that get to court and have a chance of success., Given the Lord Bonomy review into additional safeguards is not expected to report until early 2015, can anything possibly assuage her concerns between now and the Bill going before the chamber at Stage 3? Christine Grahame is a hypocrite of the first order given her alleged sexual peccadilloes causing a married man to lose his job (okay he was a Tory and some say all is fair in love and war). Current status: Taken in the Chamber on Wednesday, March 1, 2023, Result 84 for, 4 against, 30 abstained, 11 did not vote, See all of Christine Grahame votes in Parliament. My mum is a sufferer. You can find other locations and directions on Healthgrades. Mind you it used to be ably assisted by the Office of the Solicitor General but thats currently closed, apparently, for reasons. The current SNP, after the New Labour Blairite model, has become a mostly middleclass enterprise. Scottish lawyers affiliated to Scotgov are indeed bent. @ Strathy Big girl did it run away!. At the 2021 Scottish Elections I was honoured to be again re-elected as the MSP for Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale constituency. At several points Slimey mentions that the Crown Office is staffed by professional prosecutors. Jesus. So maybe their questioning wasnt as lame as it might appear. Both, in fact, appear very, very nervous. Political Holdings Limited document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Time for Michael Matheson to live up to his motto of smart on crime. By insisting on post publication redaction of paragraphs which name only one woman other than the FM, will the professional and independent law officer involved, who allegedly acted without the approval of the Lord Advocate, be prosecuted for contempt of court by effectively identifying a complainant? Dont pretend to consult your notes when there is no conceivable need to do so How the fuck did all this horrifying madness happen? a quick thought, quote taken from a commentor on guido. Alex must be proud that you are all out there fighting his corner. Christine Graham - Occupational Therapist in Raleigh, NC - Healthgrades You'll find the topic discussed and how many times this MSP has contributed to the discussion. It is not a universal feature, though, she suggests. 24 February, 2021 at 9:12 pm Really? 24 February, 2021 at 7:08 pm I am not going to get into the substance of the issues, not least because, in doing so, there would be a risk of my breaching the court order. Mist001 says: Better to have an independent scotland that is clean. Particularly down south. I wonder at those so cocksure of the SG and its withholding of evidence under the pretence of protecting the alphabet women. If she walks, her career in politics is over. Bernaith smiles and catches his sneeze to protect the house of cards. Hes so obviously uncomfortable lying to ordinary politicians rather than the legal profession he normally lies to. But honestly still have no idea how this is all going to end (yet). Grahame urged to stand down during 'sectarian' investigation 6 May 1999 - 5 May 2011. ", See all of Christine Grahame's questions submitted in Parliament, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Animal Welfare, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Gardening and Horticulture, Cross-Party Group in the Scottish Parliament on Older People, Age and Ageing, Culture Tourism Europe and External Affairs Committee, Solicitors in the Supreme Courts of Scotland Amendment Bill Committee, Edinburgh Airport Rail Link Bill Committee. A stalwart of Holyrood since its inception in 1999, Grahame is both a formidable and highly respected character having been called on to convene four committees two of which, justice in her 15 years. Sits behind Sturgeon to her RHS. Those who continue to shout wheesht for indy, or that there is nothing to see here, or that it is all Salmond and Cherrys fault, have lost all sense of critical faculty and moral compass. The Lord Advocate, or something working through his office, instructed the two complainants to file complaints with the police. For full functionality of this site it is necessary to enable JavaScript. Very badly reported as Salmond v Sturgeon of course. They oppose the proposed HCB, TRA extremism and self ID, they want immediate action on independence. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear. I wonder if Jaclyn McGowan will get a reprimand from Contempt of democracy and contempt of a nation. Nobody had the gumption to ask about the professionalism professional prosecutors who mount malicious prosecutions by their own admission and political prosecutions by any objective estimation. Surely not. As for covert operatives, the case of Mark Kennedy comes to mind. It is interesting that he has been called back at all. Lots of looking down and to the left. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 30 January 2023, "To ask the First Minister what discussions the Scottish Government has had with COSLA with regard to the proposals in some local authorities to reduce teacher numbers, given its commitment to increase teacher numbers by 3,500 by the end of the current parliamentary session. I suspect you have misdescribed me. Sorry Brian and indeed other SNP members, but I just cant fathom why any reasonable person, seeing what they see now, can stomach remaining in the party? Just in time for the May Elections we all saw that coming didnt we???? In a situation where both the Lord Advocate because of his sitting in cabinet is in disrepute but the crown as represented by COPFS infested with MI5s is also in disrepute, the Lord Advocate becomes the weakest link, the expendable one. His hands are as filthy as the last Lord Advocate! You have to wonder who wrote those answers for him to read, judging by the pile of exaggerate and obsequious sickly flowery waffle directed towards the COPFS. That was just the police, and environmental groups dont pose an existential threat to the UK. If Aberdeins evidence is made public Liz Lloyd is either going to have to take a fall to protect her boss or turn on Sturgeon to protect her career. There now seem to be many comments supporting my nodding donkey first thoughts. I am sure I am not alone in that. acceptable answers (for NO) include a kidnapped child trapped in an underground dungeon with 20 minutes worth of air and the kidnapper is trying to stonewall you, take the fifth, asking for a lawyer . At 76, Christine Grahame has become the oldest MSP ever to be elected to Holyrood, winning 19,807 votes. I WOULD make common cause with unionists acting to protect the Scottish parliament and our democracy. "There aren't winners here. 24 February, 2021 at 9:43 pm. NS has shown contempt for our democratic system. Having watched Mr Wolffe in the Supreme Court, hes kind of like that all the time stuttering and those revolting tongue-roving manoeuvres, although he stutters less and talks slower in court and is even more boring what I thought was new was the waver in his voice as he answered Jackie Baillie I suspect he knows his days are numbered, and with the bullshitty non-answers though he did claim, in parliament (aha, we must remember hes got to act under the ministerial code no telling porkies to parliament) that the Clown Office was not trying to obstruct democracy etc,,, quite a claim, seeing as how they are. Is my first impression that you are a genuine bloke, attempting to shine light in dark corners totally wrong? 24 February, 2021 at 7:03 pm. Contact at local office 6 High Street Galashiels TD1 1SD Phone: 07976 596 245 How can he have not been near it? Only a week or so ago, Angela Haggerty of The Herald was on national TV explaining that nobody was interested in the Salmond scandal. If so, she has a neurological condition called Benign Essential Tremor. Trackback: trackback from your own site. Best start looking through yer favourite shop, Totty Rocks for a frock with fetching stripes that match the latest fashion at Corton Vale. Christine Graham. Phone: 07976 596 245 The Lord Advocate: It has made us focus on what do we mean by it [corroboration] and so on and all the other things, but I would have liked it to have been done another way., Through a separate piece of legislation, is that what she means? Ms 1 fears that this may be an opportunity for Alex Salmond to get back into Hollyrood. So, Angus places the lotion in the basket? Following his discussion from his legal team, AS is a smart, knowledgeable & courageous man. The setback, however, did not stop the Bill narrowly passing at Stage 1, as an amendment that would have removed the controversial rule change from the proposed legislation fell by three votes. The problem with trotting out all that spiel about Law Officers doing the duty all the time, is that its coming from a Lord Advocate who has presided over malicious prosecutions of private individuals, and didnt resign. Rev, you have to be the hardest working Investigative journalist in the uk. Did the Crown Office receive any submissions from any third party before it wrote to the SPCB yesterday? I hate what unionism and British nationalism stand for, but I wont help put a deeply regressive and anti-democratic bunch of chancers like the SNP in to power. Contact details Contact online Email: Website: Facebook: Christine's facebook Contact at the Scottish Parliament The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP Phone: 0131 348 5729 Text relay calls welcome. [9] In April 2020, Scottish Labour's Lewis Macdonald was elected as interim Deputy Presiding Officer in her absence. I was waiting for one of them to fall off. Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale stretches from the commuter belt south of Edinburgh down to the area south of Peebles, and includes Galashiels and Melrose. Others seem to be saying I have hit the nail on the head. We know they were betrayed by their sister, Leslie Evans, who took the material direct to the Crown Agent against their explicit wishes. Hopefully more MSPs and such like call for this before & after the election. I knew that aLurker, but the point I meant (and made badly) was the corporate integrity of COPFS is currently blemished by malicious misconduct and incompetence, which doesnt sit very well with the Lord Advocate blowing sunshine up the arses of Scottish Law Officers. My bet is on the MI5 crown agent. Keep it up stu, we need you more than ever! I have seen the backbenchers being less rebellious over the 15 years across all parties, absolutely., So wild guess as to Jeggitss next best thing to independence. that`s $65,000,000 going south every day,about $24 billion a year,if we nationalised our oil like Saudi. ", Asked by: Grahame, Christine, Midlothian South, Tweeddale and Lauderdale, Scottish National Party, Date Lodged: 18 January 2023, "To ask the Scottish Government when it last spoke to NHS Lothian and NHS Borders. I do wonder if as Sturgeons leadership fall into dissaray followed by her inevitable resignation if Boris might look at this as the ideal time to offer a referendum? Orwell, 1984. Your kind is extinct. An array of evidence is compiled. Twitter. At Westminster, its normal to have some backbenchers, particularly ex-Cabinet ministers who become real bombshells when thrown, so I think it is very important to do that. I couldnt concentrate on what she was saying because I was so distracted by the eye-lashes. How can this man stand in parliament and say that the COPFS has redacted the evidence in the interest of the public when it is in the interest of the public to know who abused their position of power, who breached codes of conduct and who contributed to the waste of millions of pounds in an unlawful procedure and the damage limitation exercise that followed?