But this kid deserves his anonymity. Iris Chavez, the girl who was dating Rascon was also killed. I like to look at this site, to see what's going on down there. Elmer Guadalupe Crdova-Torres, also known as Pluma, originally from Chihuahua, with residence in Agua Prieta, Sonora. U.S. District Judge Victoria Roberts has set sentencing for Feb. 5, 2020 at the U.S. District Courthouse for Eastern Michigan in Detroit. Marco's maybe in prison, but his family is still very much in control. Thousands of tons of marijuana, cocaine and heroin have entered this corridor to Arizona, New Heres what happening in agua prieta: the boss is marcos paredes, who is in jail in the us. The attack began at approximately 3:15am and resulted in two deaths with several vehicles torched. They are very similar in appearance just taller. man, for real now, you have any idea how many cells of CDS are in sonora? He Use to drive a nice silverado? CJNG is involved in Chihuahua, they support La Linea & NCDJ with resources to fight CDS. Stop with the bullshit, only baja california has some cjng cells in operation. But who cares about her anyway, like any girl of that nature she will find the next guy to take care of her. pa que cobijas si ya sabanas verdad mi compa sicario 006. El Jaguar is believed to have retaken Madera and he had a strong presence in Zaragoza and Buenaventura in 2020. CJNG will never take Agua Prieta it was a inside job he betrayed CDS and they sent a commando to take him out . -CDS nutthugger, The guy that stole the gun looked like a disguised military if you look at his tactical boots, https://www.google.com/search?q=iris+chavez&client=ms-android-mpcs-us-revc&prmd=niv&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi86L6VneXiAhVEKKwKHWF8DOEQ_AUoAnoECAsQAg&biw=360&bih=518#imgrc=kDTCH56CG6HWCM. El leon, and Marco's, along with mandy morano, and the rascones, ran this area for a long time. Jorge was arrested in Tucson, Arizona in September 2007 when he was just 26 years old, alongside his brother Edgar LaMadrid after attempting to flee the police. Hundreds of kilos.lmao..try thousand even hundreds of thousands of kilos.. What happened to the chivis coronavirus page? Sicarios came out of the bushes as he rolled up to his home Ladrn que roba ladrn tiene 100 aos de perdn. The one-time top Sinaloa Cartel operative who controlled the region around Douglas, Arizona and Agua Prieta, Sonora has agreed to a 22-year federal prison sentence after admitting his role in trafficking millions of dollars worth of drugs into the United States from 1991 to 2011. border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. Something happened in china and I decided it was best to lay off the ongoing post in case that was a contributing factor. But he died at the hospital the day el 2000 gunmen killed leo. By 2007, Sonora Cartel, Colima Cartel and Milenio Cartel became branches of the Sinaloa Cartel. as for the family---i do relate to them but also acknowledge blame can be placed on the victims who often are in criminality collusion, and/or the perps. Tin tin was the one that executed Javier Rascn aka el fox in that bloody ambush. There is a way bigger story about these people, that has real facts to it. Someone mentioned to me to day she did not pass away. One thing that stuck with me over the years. Thank you. Dejected, Najera said he called relatives his wife had in Hermosillo, the capital of the state of Sonora,to let them know what was happening. El Jaguar, originally from Zaragoza, Chihuahua, with residence in Agua Prieta, is responsible for the war that exists on the border of Sonora and Chihuahua in the region of Madera, El Largo Maderal and The Nortea. who is US is protecting him? Leo"s name was Manuel paredes machado. La plaza tiene dueo. Unless I'm wrong, but from what I know no.The story goes "allegedly" Ruben had some nephew's of his wife killed and they both(wife and nephews) belonged to the barrera lopez family and supposedly el seor de tamazula ordered his murder, and he got killed and his son died tryna protect him.Can anyone verify? When deputies searched the LaMadrid home they found 11,000lbs of marijuana, making it one of the largest residential drug seizures in Tucson history. This place could be a war zone. Smile. Since more families are expected to arrive inAgua Prieta soon, advocates are looking at other ways to help protect them. sanctions against Rascon Ramirez, naming him the plaza boss of Agua Prieta. By 2007, Sonora Cartel, Colima Cartel and Milenio Cartel became branches of the Sinaloa Cartel. This is an armed wing led by El Jaguar as well as El Jaguar's brother El Lobo (deceased) which operates primarily with the support of Los Paredes on behalf of the Sinaloa Cartel Los Chapitos side. The group plotted how to take the plaza at Agua Prieta, the border town El Chapo had long used to smuggle drugs into Arizona, from the Sinaloa cartel. Cjng going for agua prieta and all sonora they already took over sinaloa Cjng ass lover, No in sonora there is a big infight as in culiacan and as of right now linea took chihuahua back no need for cjng to get involved right now once cds splits cjng will back one of the sides and later take everything like they did in tj. 99% it was an inside joke, a different CDS faction. No mames read the article you are way off foo, G3 and Tolteca flipped, according to the previous article "Notable Figures La Linea Part II", El jaguar lost support too wage war on linea in madera. El Jaguars group reportedly receives support from Sinaloa Cartels Gente del M100 in addition to his primary supporters, Los Paredes. Now, he's afraid of what will happen once he's waiting to talk to U.S. immigration officials at the Douglas crossing. all you have to do if something in question is to ask. draft of this story, I inadvertently hit publish or as Sol said everything Najera's encounter with the cartels has left him shaken. You guys just gotta comment and tell MX how much you want to see it because there is no way I could do it without his help. Got to think criticallyPliny the Younger TIPA. The second clash was registered in the Sonoran I was coming up empty on a hard confirmation Lobos men kept getting killed so linea took back madera, El Jaguar ran to his daddy tin tin in sonora, Y'all should do one on the CJNG to see where El sapo El 3 chito cano RR jardinero all and all of them fall into the organization structure wise. They have colluded with each of the authorities of every municipality to facilitate their operations, as well as the Aguapretenses media that publishes information in their favor, include Peridico Certeza, Diario Digital Aguapretense, La Bartolina. He has multiple companies dedicated to money laundering, one of them is AgroLuy Veterinary Supplies located on the Agua Prieta-Janos highway between 6 and 10 avenues. He was a member of Los Salazar and joined Los Paredes at the time of Alfredo Salazar Ramrez's arrest. We do not publish all comments, and we do not publish comments immediately. border, adjacent to the town of Douglas, Arizona. I apologize. The current activities of the organization that generates profits are the theft of mines, dispossession of property, kidnapping and collection of land. Torbellino was big in AP too. Because the g3 foxes are traicinieros and wanted the whole pie the paredes are here to stay for ever and they been handling there bizz with out la gente de Culiacn, @7:39 hate to burst your bubble pendejo but chihuas has always been un desmadre.. Im from Juarez I know how it was in the 90s and the 80s it was never safe and has always been a violent place .. problem now is that you have more media reporting the bloodshed .. when I was 9 years old in 1990 I recall vividly how soldiers rescued the corpses of 30 men that were executed in Madera and were tossed in a well the recent ambush of gente Nueva that produced 19 dead in Madera .. the majority of the dead were people fromChihuahua .. not Sinaloa or Sonora like everyone claims .. the majority of Gente Nueva are from chihuahua including its founder El Flako Salgueiro .. so please grow up and inform yourself. named for sanctions, The eight people named by the Treasurys Office of The last name Paredes is one of the most influential names in the state of Sonora. I'm just getting here.' Yes 3:17 hes the main reason this is going on. 2:58. AZ has un chingo de Chinolas chambeando que se van a entender con sus paisanos y tambin les sueltan la merca, los conocen y si no pagan o se vuelven jotos al ser torcidos pues tarde que temprano la pagan. Is the fear due to government function from there ? Los Paredes were a part of the original group of families recruited to aid the Sinaloa cartel in 2004-2005. This goes to show CDS is only tough in corridos and more so in numbers. Well there were not that many left prior to the BLO CDS war. seems like a "i don't like it" if you don't provide the proof bro. Correct el 20 was the same one that killed mandy and supposedly Tito torbellino. Ive seen it, or is it a coincidence? El que esta en la foto de su perifil con ella es el Juan Carlos alias el negro. The story is a little misleading, because some of the things you're trying to affiliate them with, are very loose affiliations. There is no mention in the plea agreement of whether the lesser sentence was offered in exchange for past or future testimony. and Ahi que se sigan matando los del cdratas. They had paid a huge price. Once they got to the border crossing, Grupo Beta gave them a number and sent them to CAME to wait for theirnumber to be called. Many were not willing to share their stories out of fear ofretribution. ( not mayo), Every powerful cartel organization is protected by government but the government claims they are having a war on drugs.. Then in October 2018, Ralls alleged that his client was tortured within hours of his arrest -including waterboarding, beatings, and threats of violence against his wife- for benefit of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency, which funded various Mexican law enforcement operations. Last year, the Lebanon massacre and plus the bloodshed of war brought a spotlight that may eventually bring the downfall of this long tenured regime. The group plotted how to take the plaza at Agua Prieta, the border town El Chapo had long used to smuggle drugs into Arizona, from the Sinaloa cartel. He oversees Cumpas, Sahuaripa, Mulatos, Arivechi and Ycora. WebAt CAME ( Centro de Atencin al Migrante Exodus) in Agua Prieta, Sonora, there are 160 people sleeping in a shelter with a 44 person capacity. The wife maybe related to THE Baza family who have also violently lost members to the clan fighting between these alacranes. he survived too long after getting outed by the US, which is usually the beginning of the end, i suspect he got caught cheating on CDS. (Source), Notable Figures: La Linea Part I: Chihuahua, Notable Figures: La Linea Part II: Sonora & Background, Notable Figures: Gente Nueva in Chihuahua, Notable Figures: Carteles Unidos Part III. In the shootout of two days ago, supposedly Rascon even adding sonora, How about the quote she posted "Her angel eyes saw the good in many devils----". This municipality is the most important territory the Los Paredes organization holds. Lol. Chivis? Don't know how legit it is, but la silla rota says Iris was one of the females killed. For example, "Sonora Violento" blames the heist mentioned above on the contraswhich sounds more like their style, assuming previous reports are correct, as they were blamed for a similar act in Cananea sometime ago. could his nephew been with them? of smuggling routes. This criminal is also in charge of the security of "Junior" when he is in Mexico. Idk if Marcos Paderes and Alfredo Salazar are on board with this since theyve been with Javier Rascn for years.